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2020-04-25 04:10:03 +00:00
type: post
title: Link Roundup 2
date: 2013-06-21
slug: link-roundup-2
More and more links, less and less bandwidth. Most of that is because I'm
writing in earnest about other things again, and that feels really good! The
downside is that I just can't bring myself to write a thousand words about some
thousand-word article I found anymore. I do still find all of this stuff
interesting, though, so I'll pass it on.
### Games
This is a category that I fear will never be empty! Hooray! Go games!
You really did it.
For serious, though, there's been a steady stream of news coming in on the
gaming front with regards to gender and sexuality, and I am happy to say that
the tide is turning toward the positive, however slowly. I only started really
reading about this sort of stuff maybe a year ago and I still don't really play
any games, but still, I like to watch!
* [The Creepy Side of E3][1]
* [Just Making Things and Being Alive About It][2]
* [Why Invisibility Isn't a Superpower][3]
* [Invisibility / Illegibility: Thoughts On Why Invisibility Isn't a
* [A Rundown on What's Going On with Penny Arcade Now][5]
* [Why We Are Not Showing Gone Home At Pax][6]
### SFWA
The SFWA recently went through a kerfuffle regarding their newsletter featuring
a boys-club-esque article written by a couple of old white dudes. It's worth
collecting a few links if only for the first, which brings up good points that
stand even outside of the subculture of SF/F writers.
* [25 Things to Know About Sexism and Misogyny in Writing and Publishing][11]
* [This Week in SF][12]
* [On Sexism in Publishing, or Why I'm Not Writing This Two Days Ago][13]
* [Sexism, the Current SFWA Kerfuffle, and "Lady Authors"][14]
### Other
* [Misogyny and the Marketing Chick][7] - Institutionalizing misogyny. Because
* [Kickstarter: We Were Wrong][8] - An apology for a recent Kickstarter that
went through which some saw as promoting objectification of women.
* [8 Ways to Not Be an Ally][9] - A link regarding some recent gate-keeping.
There are, of course, good allies and bad allies.
* [Polyamory in the News: Poly as "the relationship status of a totally fabulous
future][10] - Partner pointed this out to me as a very "me" sort of article.
I think he's right. The big take-away is communication and how that gets
skipped in a lot of instances.
* [Coverflip: Maureen Johnson Calls For An End To Gendered Book Covers With An
Amazing Challenge ][15] - A delightful way of pointing out gendered visual
language on book covers.
* [Cover Posing][16] - Another instance of pointing out gendered visual
* [The Hawkeye Initiative][17] - Just a reminder that this exists.
[1]: http://kotaku.com/the-creepy-side-of-e3-513484271
[2]: http://www.polygon.com/features/2013/5/24/4341042/the-queer-games-scene
[3]: http://www.reactionzine.com/why-invisibility-isnt-a-superpower/
[4]: http://theorts.tumblr.com/post/53262160482/invisibility-illegibility-thoughts-on-why
[5]: http://borderhouseblog.com/?p=10995
[6]: http://thefullbrightcompany.com/2013/06/21/why-we-are-not-showing-gone-home-at-pax/
[7]: https://medium.com/about-work/aa49dffc975d
[8]: http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/we-were-wrong
[9]: http://blackgirldangerous.org/new-blog/2013/6/17/8-ways-not-to-be-an-ally
[10]: http://polyinthemedia.blogspot.com/2013/06/poly-as-relationship-status-of-totally.html
[11]: http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2013/06/10/25-things-to-know-about-sexism-misogyny-in-writing-publishing/
[12]: http://www.annaguirre.com/archives/2013/06/02/this-week-in-sf/
[13]: http://www.delilahpaints.blogspot.com/2013/06/on-sexism-in-publishing-or-why-im.html
[14]: http://seanan-mcguire.livejournal.com/513901.html
[15]: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/07/coverflip-maureen-johnson_n_3231935.html
[16]: http://www.jimchines.com/cover-posing/
[17]: http://thehawkeyeinitiative.com/