The elevation of unknown things is the point at which something which is not tangible, is not spatio-temporal, is not *real* somehow becomes more important than the real. It's the point at which we are overcome by the numinous and can't help but focus on unknown things. They hover over our vision, a thin overlay, coloring everything we see.
It certainly doesn't feel like it does much good when that unknown thing is scraping up against your identity, the worst sandpaper. It's that psychopathological friction. It's that slow silence that builds between you and your friend.
It was almost unnoticeable at first.
This was back in the days of AOL Instant Messenger, before Telegram and Discord --- though I think by this time ICQ had breathed its last. At this point, I had two accounts, since my boss at the time had decided to use the service for communication
It's the question of disinterested faith all over again. Can we maintain our faith in the divine without interest --- interest, here, in a financial sense --- such that we maintain our belief without worry of punishment or expectation of reward?
It took me a long time to figure out disinterested identity