* Aaron and Erin head to a BDSM party, where Erin is to be the Centerpiece, a bound fixture at the center of the party free for use (within limits), etc.
* The couple are interspecies and want children, Erin, which becomes a potential problem as another mink (like Erin) shows up to the party.
* Erin worries at first, but Aaron turns it into a point about which to tease her as Erin gets bound.
* Before putting on the blindfold, Aaron pierces a condom in front of Erin, teasing that maybe Matthew, the other mink, will get it.
* Backstory for Matthew, about how he's exploring local BDSM scene after having moved to town for the job.
* Winds up at this party on Joan's invitation, only to be greeted by Erin, only other mink, as the Centerpiece. Intrigued as a switch, as well as as a mink.
* Goes through the motions with the rest of the party, making a pass at Joan and getting rebuffed because of having drank some of a pot (or pot-like) drug.
* Winds up settling near Erin, refereeing somewhat and trying to get closer through the night, mostly winds up teasing though, something keeping him from acting
II) [ ] Downtime - After the party, Aaron, Erin, and Matthew try and figure out a way to make things work. Joan and Elise try to figure out how to get the party they host to give them what they need.