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218 lines
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%title Kanja log.
%date 2006-04-05 17:50:48
<details><summary>Read more...</summary>
Kanja nuzzles.
Ranna kisses whiskers.
Kanja smiles and twitches whiskers softly.
Ranna giggles and strokes over your muzzle, "Fawks.
Kanja nuzzles into your paw a bit and gives your palm a kiss. "Mmm, viksin." :>
Ranna awrfs and grins, nestling herself against you and nodding, "That's me.."
Kanja grins a bit and snuggles you in closely, giving a squeeze. "Especially the sin part.." ;>
Somewhere on the muck, Snout has connected.
Ranna hees and chirps at the squeeze, returning it around your morphic middle. "Awr.. s'not sinful! Naughty, maybe ^^"
Kanja cups you gently in his forelegs, the nice lap he quite likes to provide, squeezing you a little more in his arms. "Both!" :>
Ranna snickers and nods a little, nestling into that lap and petting her paws back down over your back and over the second set of
shoulders, "Yeah, I suppose."
Kanja leans down a little so he can nuzzle at you, kissing your ears a bit while he rubs softly up and down your back in return,
scritching. "We're not married but we live together! We're living in siiiiin!" he teases, giggling. :D
Ranna snickeres and wiggles her ears about at you, arching up a little at the rubs and scritches. "Hey! I can be your common-law wife, I
Kanja nuzzles about and kisses here and there at your ears, smiling and pulling you in close against him. "Mmm, that's true.. My vixen
mate." :9
Ranna beams and blushes a little, tucking her muzzle up under yours and snuggling close. "Mmhm.. my foxyminkerwoof mate."
Kanja nestles his chin overtop your head and presses there, tucking in with you warmly while he tightens his arms around you, just
embracing you firmly. "Well, then now I really am yours," he murmurs, grinning and blushing warmly at the same time.
Ranna awwrs and giggles a little, splaying her reddened ears and squeezing you firmly, pressing close against your front and nuzzling into
your fur.
Kanja rubs his chin overtop your head affectionately, nuzzling a little at your ears here and there while he keeps his hold around you,
forepaws gathering up a little around your hips to helpfully embrace. "Guess we're not living in sin then.." he teases, giggling. :D
Ranna chirps as you help gather her up against you, kneading her paws at the small of your back and giggling. "Well.. 'cept when we're
both boys, or girls.."
Kanja rrms quietly, kneading his own paws along you likewise, rubbing up to your shoulders a little and squeezing them slowly. "Ooh,
well, I guess you might have a point there. Oh well, so we're sinful foxes." ;>
Ranna snickers and nodnods, "Yeah.. and there's nothing new with that." She leans up to kiss at the corner of your jaw, rrring quietly at
the rubs to her shoulders.
Kanja tilts his muzzle down and kisses at your nose and the corner of your mouth, smiling and nuzzling in. "Never really had a mate
before.." he muses with a soft giggle, blushing along his ears. He kneads gently but firmly over your shoulders, squeezing along them
contently. Rrm.
Ranna perks her ears a little, then splays them and blushes, rubbing her snout to yours and shrugging a little into your kneading paws.
"You haven
Ranna bites fingers.
You yerf, "You haven't? I thought you said you had an ex.."
Kanja muzzlerubs slowly together while he keeps kneading at your shoulders, squeezing up to the crook of your neck on either side and then
back down again. "Had a couple. But that was RL." :>
Ranna rrawrfs and tilts her head a little at the squeezing, eyes closing a little as she rests against you. "Ohh.. I've had more online
than RL.." she murmurs, blushing. "All of my experiences in RL have just proven to me that either myself or others really not mature
enough for the kind of relationship I want."
Somewhere on the muck, Ivan has connected.
Ranna squeak.. gotta run real quick! She'll be back later, though..
:gah! Sorries c.c
Ranna gah! Sorries c.c
Kanja cuddles. He saved the conversation. :>
:awr :o) Goodfox.
Ranna awr :o) Goodfox.
Kanja lets his paws drift up again, squeezing at the crook of your
neck once more and then kind of wandering along the back of it,
kneading gently at your scruff again. "I suppose I've had some
relationships online, but nothing so close as to call a mate. I guess
generally I had friends with benefits, hee! Or maybe I was just a
slut back then," he chuckles, grinning a little ruefully at himself.
He nodnods softly and licks your muzzle a moment. "My second one was
like that. We parted amicably and are still friends, but yeah, I
don't think either of us was ready for that. First one was pretty
similar, just not mature enough, especially since we were both rather
young anyway. Though we also just simply grew apart, to the point now
that we haven't really spoken directly in years. Third one, the last
one, was an entirely different thing, one of those horror tales people
tell. Kept me from being close to anyone again for years." c.c;
:'s only got a few minutes, and is in a computer lab, so.. er.. yeah.
Just so you know. "I can understand all that. I.. er.. used to be
way into the online thing, and rare was the friendship that.. well..
didn't have benefits. I suppose I've been drifting away from that,
though there are still a few friends that I'll let get close to me
like that. The sort of.. turning point was with Rikoshi, whom I got
really close to, but we both sort of realized that an online thing
wouldn't work out between us, so for about a year, we stayed real
close, but never quite got into a true.. Relationship, I guess you
could say - capital R and all. It started getting rather painful
nearing the end of last year, so even we've been drifting apart, which
is for the best, I suppose.."
Ranna's only got a few minutes, and is in a computer lab, so.. er..
yeah. Just so you know. "I can understand all that. I.. er.. used
to be way into the online thing, and rare was the friendship that..
well.. didn't have benefits. I suppose I've been drifting away from
that, though there are still a few friends that I'll let get close to
me like that. The sort of.. turning point was with Rikoshi, whom I
got really close to, but we both sort of realized that an online thing
wouldn't work out between us, so for about a year, we stayed real
close, but never quite got into a true.. Relationship, I guess you
could say - capital R and all. It started getting rather painful
nearing the end of last year, so even we've been drifting apart, which
is for the best, I suppose.."
"I think I do better with online things at the moment just because RL
just isn't too terribly stable for me - living situation, emotions,
and.. er.. coming of age, I guess you could say, are all sort of in
limbo. The last one, in particular, is sort of up in the air: I'm
really still trying to figure out how I fit into the workings of the
world, I guess. c.c
You yerf, "I think I do better with online things at the moment just
because RL just isn't too terribly stable for me - living situation,
emotions, and.. er.. coming of age, I guess you could say, are all
sort of in limbo. The last one, in particular, is sort of up in the
air: I'm really still trying to figure out how I fit into the workings
of the world, I guess. c.c"
:ramble. Was thinking about this for a while.
Ranna ramble. Was thinking about this for a while.
Kanja nuzzles at your ears softly. "I was really into the online
thing too, yeah. It would not be slanderous to say I really WAS an
online slut for a while, hee. But that was years ago, like seven,
eight years maybe when it was at its peak, which coincides with just a
natural hormone peak of that age, hee. :> After that I started
calming down, but even during that time and before then, I would form
very close and tight friendships. I still do, that's never changed.
I'm just less.. er.. hormonally driven these days. Not that I can't
be extreme sexual as the urges hit. c.c;; I guess to be fair, my RL
relationships were long distance affairs, done a lot online but
getting together in person every time we could. That's part of why
the first two didn't work out so well, though the second was just,
yeah, we weren't mature enough, and kinda incompatible. Glad he and I
are still friends though."
Kanja says, "I do better with online myself, in a lot of ways, not
just relationship. It's easier for me to talk and open up and really
be myself online, with the protective barrier of the screen. I'm a
lot more closed and shy and maybe even secretive offline. Defensive,
I guess would be a good description."
:rrfs and nods.. She's gotta run again, but she'll save the convo..
Ranna rrfs and nods.. She's gotta run again, but she'll save the convo..
"See Kanja cuddles.
ya soon, love..
You yerf, "See ya soon, love.."
Kanja will be here, sweetie. :>
You yerf, "Sorry about all the interruptions, love. Class, and all."
Kanja kisses softly. "It's okay, sweetie. I know how it goes." :>
Ranna kisses back lightly and smiles to you, "Just one more thing to add, to our.. er.. extended conversation. I'm definitely your vix,
but I don't want to lie or hide anything, so if you ever want to know something, I'll let you know.."
Kanja wraps his arms and forelegs around you gently, squeezing you in close to him, tightly so. "And same for you, sweetheart. You're
welcome to ask me anything you want. Like I said the other day, it's rare for anything to be too personal. Especially if I'm gonna
be your fox, even less stuff is too personal." :>
Kanja ponders. "I remember reading in your journal your feelings about monogamy and othersuch, hmm."
Ranna rrfs and nods a little, "Do you remember what it was in reference to? Two people in the last two years have kinda made me wonder
about things. The more I.. well.. experience that, the tougher it gets for me - I don't think I could ever be polyamorous x.x"
Ranna erf.. guesses it's been three years, now. Oh well.
Kanja nuzzles at your ears a little bit, and perks his own. "Hmm, really? Unless I'm just misremembering one of your friends' journals
you linked to, I could've sworn your entry was about your decision that you're a polyamorous person and that's that. Hee. Either
way, hmm. Maybe I'm thinking of one of your friends, since I read through a lot of stuff you linked to in your journal, that was
links to other journals. Aaannnyway, it occurred to me as something to mention, since me, I'm not really a poly person myself."
Ranna splays her ears a little and peeks up at you, "I really tried for a while, there, with Moondog and Rikoshi, but.. I just don't work
that way, I guess. I get a little jealous, I suppose, 'cause I can only feel that way about one person at a time, really, and it
feels a little strange if I'm with someone who's.. well.. dividing their attention. I have to admit that sometimes, I do play around
a little online, but I never really let it get to the point where I'm diverting my attention away from the person whom I'm really
devoted to. But if that's something you don't want me to do, I'm perfectly willing to do that for you, love :o)"
Kanja oohs and nodnods gently, nuzzling here and there at you and giving a kiss between your eyes. "Yeah, I get jealous too, and it makes
me very uncomfortable. It's especially bad RL, but I can get jealous online too. I'm definitely a monogamous type of person in a
real relationship. That being said, I'm.. flexible.. I guess would be the word. What Ranna@FM or Makyo does is not my concern nor
does it bother me, since I'm here with you and that's what's got my focus. If you want to play around with them, well feel free! Not
going to hurt my feelings. :> Though yeah, I'm a little more closed when dealing specifically with the vixen I belong to. It's a
little different."
Kanja giggles. "And flexibly also in that while I don't lean towards polyamory, the idea of sharing something physically intimate with a
third person isn't such an issue with me. Just not a relationship. A little tryst isn't polyamory. It's a threesome." O:>
Kanja says, "But in that, that's definitely a mutually agreed-upon situation, from all three people, and the third knows it's play, not a
Kanja says, "And not something I would do regularly."
Kanja rambles.
Ranna blinks a little and giggles, rubbing her muzzle up under yours and nodding a little. "When it comes to a relationship in RL, I'm
definitely quite monagamous. Rrf.. it's quite different dealing with just a little fling versus dealing with my mink. Or fox'taur,
hee ^^" She giggles a little and nods, adding on to what you say, "As long as the third person understands about the relationship
already in place."
Ranna kisses on ramblyfox. Rawrf ^^
Ranna has to run to class in a few, just to let you know. Just walking to class, though so she'll be back when she gets there.
Kanja smiles and nodnods. "Yeah, like I said, if the person knows there's a relationship already and this is just play, it's not
polyamory, it's a threesome. ;> Actually had that experience once, a couple friends who were engaged (they're married now). We
played around a little and such in threesomes, but with some limits on what I could do with either of them, and with the understanding
afterwards we wouldn't do such anymore. And I was fine with that, it was a fun experience. There's still good friends. :> Hee, but
yeah, anyway, online stuff I'm more relaxed with. Truth be told I probably wouldn't even be especially bothered with you-Ranna
playing on here, but I'd feel more comfortable if I merely knew you did such and wasn't told more than that, since it'd probably perk up my discomfort and jealousy and I can't help that. c.c; Stuff you do elsemu doesn't bother me hearing about, and sometimes it's
kinda hot." :9
Kanja rrfs, typo. They're still good friends, he meant to say.
Ranna will reply when she gets to class. Shan't be long ^^
Ranna ahem. Anyway. She kisses on your snout and replies, "I'm all yours, foxer. I really don't even know all that many people here - I
really hadn't been here in a year or so when I decided to connect on a whim and ran into Macy that afternoon :o) All I really do
elsewhere is talk, for that matter. On FM, I just hang out in the Nurple and talk with that crowd - s'where I met Roma, after all. I
don't do much on Taps, either, since all my friends hang out in the Lining, and I'm usually a girl there (as much as some of my
friends hate that), so if I'm with them, I'm a girl in a gay bar :oP"
Kanja kisses softly at the bridge of your muzzle, nibbling it. "I'm all yours too, vixen. Definitely your mate. :> I know few people
here myself beyond Mac, hee. I hang around on HLM (Here Lie Monsters) all the time though, as Puck my mouse character and personal-
fur, but that's a social muck, all talk. For that matter I rarely do stuff on Taps, but occasionally I do, yeah. Truth be told
though, I've done more with you in this short time than I had in the last few /years/. c.c;; Not that that's a bad thing! :D I
loved every minute of it and happy to do more, rrm. :9 But yeah, either way, whether you play elsemu or not, it doesn't bother me." :>
Ranna purrs quietly and tilts her muzzle up for the kissing, squeezing her arms around your middle and smiling to you, nodding. "Same
goes for you, too, foxer. This is definitely a very intimate thing in a very intimate place, but I'm certainly not going to keep you
from doing what you like elsewhere, or even here, if you want. I don't even mind hearing about it, if you want to - there's a time
and a place for that, whether it's in a teasing, sexy sort of way, or if you really just want to talk about it." She shrugs it off
and rubs her muzzle up against yours, "Anyhow, I'm really glad to be yours, hon. It's kinda strange that I spend time looking for
relationships, and just as soon as I stop, I find such a wonderful fur.."
Kanja smiles and muzzlerubs slowly. "Doubt I'd do anything with anyone else on here. No real reason to, but also I like being just your
fox and yours alone." He giggles and kisses the side of your muzzle. "Though yeah, sometimes it can be fun to hear about what's been
done elsemu. Can be pretty hot, not to mention can give a fox some ideas. :9 I'm really glad to call myself your fox, and your mate.
It still feels kinda strange to me, honestly, at the same time. I mean, like I said, after that.. er.. last thing, I haven't really
bonded or been close for years. You're actually the first person that I've gone this far with since then. c.c; And we're still
getting to know each other and all, so it kinda makes me feel weird, since I have that terrible stuff in the back of my mind and it
colors my perceptions and my worries. :P Still, I feel good around you and comfortable, and I don't take stuff like this lightly or
enter into it with ease, so yeah, I feel good being yours." :>
Ranna squeak ^^ Got her all blushed up in class, hee. "Awr.. I don't ever want to do anything to hurt you, hon - though I know that not
everything can always be good and light - but you're my fox, and I'd do anything for you." She bumps her nose to yours and sneaks in
a little kiss, "I can't stay too much longer, but I'll be back a little later, okay?"
Kanja smiles and nibbles at your whiskers lightly, nuzzling. "I know you don't, hon. I can feel that. I just can't help my worries
sometimes. I'm sure you understand about deep personal scars that you just can't push out of your mind so easily. c.c; Makes it
pretty hard for me to full open up anymore, but I'm working through it. And as we've already said, you're welcome to ask me about
anything you want, especially if I'm being closed (it's a reflex these days ;.;), since asking me is the best way to get me to realize
what I'm doing and open up. If I'm gonna be your mate, there's nothing too personal." He smiles softly and noserubs a moment,
touching a warm kiss to your lips in return. "I'll still be here, love."
Ranna nods a little presses her nose to yours, "We'll talk more about this later - I've got real specific reasons for not wanting to hurt
you (er.. besides, of course, the fact that I love ya lots ^^). Right now, I gotta run, so I'll see ya then, honeyfox."
Ranna curls up against and dozes for a little..