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2020-04-23 20:45:04 +00:00
%title Senior Recital Audio Recordings
%date 2010-04-19 17:48:07
<p>The audio recordings of my senior recital have been posted video will be coming soon.  Im feeling okay about the recordings not great, and not bad.  Overall, they are too slow, not up to the tempi I would like.  Also, there are a few problems with the performances of each piece, but not so much as to ruin them.  They are all posted here, after the cut, but they may be found at <a href="http://drab-makyo.com/collection/senior-recital/">http://drab-makyo.com/collection/senior-recital/</a>.</p>
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<!-- AddThis Button END --><p><a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/04/19/senior-recital-audio-recordings/#more-7">Read the rest of this entry »</a></p><p style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;"><strong>Originally published at <a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/04/19/senior-recital-audio-recordings/">Drab Makyo - How Dull</a>. Please leave any <a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/04/19/senior-recital-audio-recordings/#comments">comments</a> there.</strong></p>