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2020-04-23 20:45:04 +00:00
%title On Grails
%date 2010-07-26 02:10:19
<p>Working on a rather large project in grails, Ive come to realize two things: there is some absolutely amazing software frameworks out there, and some people who write documentation appear to be 3-year-old kids who speak English as a second language.  The embarrassing part about that is that, since the project is open-source, I could contribute to the documentation very easily, fixing problems that I see and adding where I see fit.  However, the problem is so large and daunting (and the project Im working on way more interesting), so instead, I wind up just living with it and searching El Goog over and over again for the same things.</p>
<p>Im going to try to change this as best I can, and Im going to start by collecting a few nifty tips and tricks Ive pulled out of thin air here, and hopefully pull them all together into one place soon enough.</p>
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<!-- AddThis Button END --><p><a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/07/25/on-grails/#more-12">Read the rest of this entry »</a></p><p style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;"><strong>Originally published at <a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/07/25/on-grails/">Drab Makyo</a>. Please leave any <a href="http://blag.drab-makyo.com/2010/07/25/on-grails/#comments">comments</a> there.</strong></p>