update from sparkleup

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Madison Scott-Clary 2023-09-23 17:05:05 -07:00
parent 31d1e2b9bc
commit e73b7d78f8
1 changed files with 18 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -137,4 +137,21 @@ The friendship had crashed the ground and shattered, and then the shards began t
((God comes out of the cloud and silences everyone))
But here, at last, God answers. "Then the unnamable answered Job from within the whirlwind" (Job 38:1-3, Mitchell). God the unnamable, *HaShem,* whose true name, were it ever to be spoken, bears power, calls out to Job in turn:
> Who is this who darkens counsel
> \vin in words without knowledge?
> Gird your loins like a man,
> \vin that I may ask you, and you can inform Me.
> (Job 38:2-3, Alter)
This is when Chesterton's quote becomes clear. God answers with a note of exclamation to Job's ceaseless questions. When taken strictly as a work of theodicy, this is perhaps ultimately unsatisfying. Job asks: why is the world cruel? Why have such terrible things been levied against me when I'm doing my best to be a good person? God answers: I made this world in all its strange and terrifying grandeur; who are you to question me when you don't know one tenth of one hundredth of the smallest iota of what I know? This is when an attempt at theodicy turns into a weak shrug and the mealy-mouthed statement of "God works in mysterious ways."
Chesterton, here, disagrees. "God will make Job see a startling universe if He can only do it by making Job see an idiotic universe," he says. \parencite{intro-to-job} "To startle man, God becomes for an instant a blasphemer; one might almost say that God becomes for an instant an atheist."
> If prosperity is regarded as the reward of virtue it will be regarded as the symptom of virtue. Men will leave off the heavy task of making good men successful. He will adopt the easier task of making out successful men good. \parencite{intro-to-job}
> "A man who hungers and thirsts
(It's a performance)