%title Because I'm weird, %date 2004-05-19 22:16:21 I'm going to pronounce 'yage' the american way, rhyming with sage, instead of the traditional way, 'yah-hey'. This has lead me to imagine a picture of Lady Sage (Salvia) and Master Yage (Yage) as furs, Salvia being a green vixen, middle aged, and Yage being a purplish male wolf, old and wisened. Also, I feel like equating Lady Salvia to Eris. Anyhoo, today was odd. Lots of choir stuffs, then a strange party in bio. Ryan, Kiran, and I left to go walk around Viele. After, Chivalry, where the conductors gave the pianists a card. I drove Ryan and Andrew home, and headed back myself to clean up after my 2x extraction of Salvia finished. The remains were consecrated and burned. At group, I was confronted with some possible changes in group culture, that, if they go into effect, will lead me to stop going. So instead of staying for the first hour, Michael and I went and sat by my car to talk (which shall remain private), me on a towel so as not to get grass all over my Excal suit. After that, the concert. My mom had insisted on a light dinner of a salad before, so I stopped and got some fries at Wendy's and Kory stared at me from the next lane as we cruised down Broadway. It took a while for me to notice. May Our Paths went well until the bases decided to leave before the curtain closed due to an ambiguous cue from Keller. This was followed shortly by Chivalry, which went very well. From the time I left the stage to the time I left the school, random people - mostly choir kids - came up to me and shook my hand, telling me how wonderful it was. I'd met up with Shannon earlier, and this didn't seem to make her very happy. I still feel slightly like I'm blamed by her for her outlook on choir. Oh well. More random, high profile people told me that they voted for me for #1 choir geek; I'm starting to think that I should think some about a speech for tomorrow. Anyway, massed choir followed and went really well. It felt kinda odd, like a penultimate moment. I think tomorrow's going to be really powerful, personally, and I probably won't feel so hot afterwards. I'm going to miss choir a lot, despite the shit I talk about it sometimes to keep myself ingratiated with friends or release anger with Revier. Specifically, there are a few people who I'm going to miss a whole lot, like Jerred and Kory, even though tomorrow's not the last time I'll see them. I feel kinda bad for still having a thing for Kory, even though I'm in a relationship currently. *panics over choir video* Aaaand.. that's it.