date: 2019-08-14
weight: 1

A friend asked Maddy: what is the importance of tension?

Maddy said: I don't know

The friend looked sad and went away.

When the friend came back, they asked: what is the importance of tension?

Maddy said: I know-

But the friend cut her off angrily and left in a huff.

Later, the friend asked Maddy: what is the importance of tension?

Maddy said: I know: I don't know

Then they sat and chatted over a cup of tea.

<!-- Tension is explainable only through admission that one doesn't know all of it. One may know that two things exist in opposition of each other, but one will never know both things and the tension from both sides. The weighing of options is never done without a decision having already been made. Tension is unnamable. -->