%title The Second Ridge

* Two young critters
    * (Teru)Ata (M) and (Tenu)Ana (F)
    * been friends forever, expected to marry
    * made it past puberty, now in the Four Year Trial, four years after puberty of remaining virginal to understand restraint, hormones, etc.
    * Ana 4th year, Ata 3rd year, but same age, hit puberty different years
    * Basically 16 or 17
    * Happy, bit rebellious
* Hunting tribe
    * Game always work to get, but has been scarce this year
    * Venturing further and further afield to hunt
    * Concern over getting enough for winter
    * Lives in a valley in the mountains
    * Undefined species named only for the tribe (Ja-Inda) but vaguely catlike
* Always told to stay away from the second ridge
    * A small outcropping of rock visible from the first ridge
    * Always wanted to go there, but had been good so far
    * With food pressure plus rebelliousness, venture over to the ridge
* Near the ridge, notice a scent, or a non-scent, something that tickles the nose
    * Start to get hotter and hotter
    * Ana strips shirt, panting, whining
    * Both start to loose higher reasoning
    * Needs overwhelm reason and they fuck
    * And fuck again, getting tired
    * And fuck again, starting to hurt
    * Start again, nearly losing consciousness
    * Passing out, hear a loud bonging of some sort of bell
* Awake back in the village
    * Chastened for venturing near the ridge
    * Four year trial not considered broken, but extended for another year
    * Lucky to be alive
* Explanation of two types of Ja-Inda - ones like them, Ja-Inda-Re who go through ovulation, and ones like the Ja-Inda-Ra, who go through estrus
    * The scents of estrus drive the Ja-Inda-Re into a heat-like state
    * Can be dangerous, fuck until dead, sort of thing
    * Ja-Inda-Ra sent away for the estrus years (only about twenty, life span of sixty)
    * Occasionally come back with youngsters, who are welcomed into the tribe
    * No one's sure where they come from, maybe men from the tribe wandering over, or another tribe
    * Tolerated out of needs of the tribe: small, can't afford to lose members