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> We don't experience memory in linear fashion, nor even in a strictly coherent one. It's peppered with tangents and strange loops. It's multithreaded. It's not always made up of words. Why should a memoir strive to strip memory completely of this context? ally is an ergodic, arborescent, semiautobiographical work about identity, mental health, spirituality, and the mutability of the past. A lot of the information contained within is real, some of it isn’t. Each page is structured as a conversation between myself and my ally, a mirror reflection of myself. Based off the interactive project at [ally.id](https://ally.id), this book explores different facets of my life — some true, some embellished, some wholly fictitious — in a non-linear, ergodic fashion, using color, page-layout, and mixed-media to create a book more experience than memoir. ## Buying The paperback is now available for [pre-order](https://gum.co/ally-paperback). All copies ordered direct are signed. You can also pre-order from Amazon or Barnes & Noble You can also [pre-order](https://gum.co/rvof) the PDF ebook. I have yet to figure out how to sign those. Sorry. ## Content warning Several sections focus on suicide, self-harm, rape, sexual content, and poor mental health. ## Advance praise "Cleareyed yet powerfully immediate . . . A fresh, daring exploration of lived experience." > — [Kirkus Reviews](https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/madison-scott-clary/allyC/) "I felt I was chasing down fractions of the author's soul. Chasing them not because I got this to read and review, but because I deeply wanted to. So I could put them together and solve an ultimate puzzle whose picture would contain some incompre-hensible beauty." > — [Linnea Capps](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3236700737?book_show_action=true) ## Paperback gallery