%title Robbed (WT)

Name notes
* Cerridwen welsh goddess of music
* Cecilia patron saint of music
* Thamyris greek god of musical conceit
* Linus musical son of apollo

* Dr. T. Linus Carraway Jr - Conductor, professor of woodwinds, and oboist. Also full of himself for being young genius or whatever
* Carrie Brys - Linus' long-distance girlfriend, lives in Illinois, computer science grad student

1. Linus concert and intro
2. Class and followups
3. Linus mugged, stabbed, grabs knife blade in defense and severs tendons
4. Sad sad sad, mopes at home, tries ODing on meds
5. Carrie visits as soon as she can make it to try and get him going again
6. Struggle struggle, living up in one's own head
7. Carrie surprises by turning last concert of season into benefit concert. Sob sob happy except low chance of getting back to where he was

## Story

*[11:41 PM] tlcarraway> The high that comes after a performance is surely greater than any drug. I don't have much experience with drugs, other than an abortive attempt at marijuana back in undergrad.*

*[11:42 PM] tlcarraway> They should bottle this feeling.*

_[11:42 PM] CarrieB> Good performance, then?_

*[11:42 PM] tlcarraway> Great!!!*

_[11:42 PM] CarrieB> I can tell. You always start making these grand statements after the good ones._

*[11:43 PM] tlcarraway> I do?*

*[11:43 PM] tlcarraway> I guess I do.*

_[11:44 PM] CarrieB> Last good performance you had, you started talking about Orpheus._

*[11:44 PM] tlcarraway> Oy, was I drunk?*

_[11:44 PM] CarrieB> Are you now?_

*[11:45 PM] tlcarraway> Hah, good point.*

*[11:45 PM] tlcarraway> How's my kitty?*

_[11:45 PM] CarrieB> Good, though maybe not as good as you. Been waiting for you to get back._

*[11:45 PM] tlcarraway> Waiting?*

_[11:46 PM] CarrieB> Of course! Your concerts really are great, but when they're done, that means I get you back again._

*[11:46 PM] tlcarraway> <3*

*[11:46 PM] tlcarraway> Only one more this season, kitty.*

_[11:46 PM] CarrieB> <3_

_[11:47 PM] CarrieB> Still want me to come out and watch?_

*[11:47 PM] tlcarraway> I'd love that <3*

_[11:47 PM] CarrieB> Good!_

_[11:47 PM] CarrieB> It's super late, though, but I wanted to stay up and catch you before sleep. I'm crashingg_

*[11:49 PM] tlcarraway> Yeah, go get some sleep. I need to get cleaned up, anyway.*

_[11:49 PM] CarrieB> Kk sleep well when you get there love you_

Out of habit, Linus twitched his wrist to get his watch into view, despite the clock on his laptop. It *was* late.

*[11:50 PM] tlcarraway> Love you too. Make sure you actually sleep in bed instead of the comp chair this time <3*

No reply. Good. If Carrie got to the point of barely intelligible keyboard mashing, she'd sleep basically wherever she was. Linus just had to hope she actually made it.