type: post
slug: cards
date: 2016-03-02
title: Juju Cards

One of the new things that we've been working on over on the Juju UI team is the idea of cards.

Cards are a simple concept that allows others to see at a glance both what you're offering and a means to test it out.  Juju is perfect for this because it's so easy to spin up a local environment and then `juju deploy [x]`!

Here's an example for a relatively complex bundle:

<script async src="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/juju-cards-v1.0.9.js"></script>
<div class="juju-card" data-id="plumgrid-ons"></div>

These also work for charms:

<div class="juju-card" data-id="wordpress"></div>

Of course, they are nicely responsive:

<div class="juju-card" data-id="openstack-base" style="width:250px;float:left;margin-right:1em"></div>

<div class="juju-card" data-id="mediawiki" style="width:250px;float:left"></div>

<br clear="all" />

Check out how to build cards for your own charms [here](https://jujucharms.com/community/cards)!  This is a new technology that we're playing around with, and we're still ironing out features to include and where cards can be embedded, but they're perfect for your product's site.