%title Vimwiki Markdown Extension

## What it does

I like markdown better than vimiwki's wiki syntax, especially since I run so many sites that use markdown for pages. Unfortunately, I like a few attributes of vimiwki's syntax, such as the to-do lists and the tags.

This extension brings in that functionality as a Python Markdown extension.

* [-] Rejected
* [ ] 0%
* [.] 1-33%
* [o] 34-66%
* [O] 67-99%
* [X] 100%

## How to use it

default_config = {
    'list_levels': '- .oOX',
    'list_classes': ['rejected', 'done0', 'done1', 'done2', 'done3', 'done4'],
my_config = {
    'list_levels': 'iao',
    'list_classes': ['yip', 'yap', 'yop'],
markdown(source, extensions=[VimwikiExtension(**my_config)])

## Where to get it

* [PyPI](https://pypi.com/project/markdown-vimwiki)
* [Github](https://github.com/makyo/markdown-vimiwki)