%title Snrk! %date 2007-08-14 04:57:44 :diary:livejournal:fossils: Alright, so I finally started reading the Harry Potter series a few days ago, and, while I really do like the story, I have a completely different opinion about Mrs. Rowling's writing, which I'll do my best to keep to myself, here. Excepting, of course, the following between Harry and Professor McGonagall: <blockquote>She stood up, nostrils wide and mouth very thin, and he stood too. "Have another biscuit," she said irritably, thrusting the tin at him. "No thanks," said Harry coldly. "Don't be ridiculous," she snapped. He took one. "Thanks," he said, grudgingly.</blockquote> (Order of the Phoenix) It's just so.. wonderfully British :o)