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Let's think about a hypnosis session with you lying down and me (link-reveal:"sitting next to you")[ and just how it feels to hear your feelings and how it works to (link-reveal:"let go of what you know")[ as we think about a hypnosis session with you lying down and me [[sitting next to you.]]]]
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Let's dream about the words we use for the numbers we count to relax the mind which focuses so readily on (link-reveal:"those numbers,")[ counting slowly down from ten, your mind immediately (link-reveal:"reaching for")[<style>
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</style> nine, which is a fine number but always looked hungry (link-reveal:"to me")[ and so follows eight which knows just what it ate to (link-reveal:"feel full,")[ and down onto seven lucky seven which is what you need to get (link-reveal:"what you need")[ but take away one and you get three plus there or three times two (link-reveal:"which is six")[ and after that five, five fingers on each hand and toes on each foot, five the sum of [[the Trinity and the duality,]]]]]]]]and lets take a look at a hypnosis session as seen from above with you laying down and me (link-reveal:"sitting next to you")[<style>
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</style> speaking in words like tangled (link-reveal:"coils of repetition")[ hidden beneath sibilant esses and susurrating syllables that tug at you (link-reveal:"this way and that")[ (link-reveal:"with tangled coils of repetition")[ beneath murmured words and suggestions and half sentences that (link-reveal:"double back on each other")[ in tangled coils of repetition reinforcing small hints that have you letting go and then [[we can move on]]]]]]]
to four but not two fours as that'd be eight whom we already met, but you can think of it as two twos or two to the power of two, too, [[if that helps you]]
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and now we're relaxing into a hypnosis session with you lying down and me (link-reveal:"sitting next to you")[ where we're starting to feel our breath slow and our muscles relax, feeling calm and still, feeling ourselves [[light upon the bed]].]
And now we're at three, a Trinity, the trilogy of relaxation, calmness, and (link-reveal:"lightness,")[ feeling each of those rise up in intensity until we get (link-reveal:"down to two,")[ a duality that forms the outer self that moves in the world and the inner self which is (link-reveal:"at peace,")[<style>
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</style> calmness and light and relaxation reaching for a plateau, and then cresting to find (link-reveal:"one,")[<style>
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</style> the unity of all things, and now we're so light and calm and relaxed that we can feel whole, as a singular consciousness, and also at one with the greatness that surrounds us <a href="/45">day by day</a>.]]]]