%title NaNoWriMo
%date 2008-11-14 06:53:00

<img src="http://www.nanowrimo.org/NanowrimoUtils/LiveSupporter/116254.png"/>

Bang, baby.  11:50 PM, I saved and reached 50,070 words!  Now, my laptop's battery is about to die, so I gotta head home and recharge.  I'll finish the chapter and post then.

EDIT: As I was walking home, there were two layers of clouds, moving rapidly in opposite directions.  I can only hypothesize that this is due to how awesome I feel. :o)  Just got home, will finish chapter now.

EDITEDIT: Finally!  50,694.  I know it's all rambly.  Side effect of trying to cram 7,000-some-odd words into such a short time.  Where we left off: http://drab-makyo.com/node/62