%title Well, shit. %date 2005-06-22 20:09:29 Just got off the phone, sounds as if my laptop's pretty much gone. He pulled the hard drive and hooked that to a different computer - nothing. Lost a bunch of music and all of my writing, but luckily, I have my scores backed up (I hope). Next, he tried plugging a new hard drive in - no dice. So, either the ribbon cable connecting the hard drive to the logic board is bad (lets hope and pray), or the logic board itself is bad. If the latter case is true, it'd just be more worthwhile to get a new laptop and sell this old one on ebay for $500 or whatever (everything else still works, if someone's willing to put money into it, they're welcome to, but with a logic board, it'd be about the same as getting a new one - maybe they can fix it up and resell it for more) and put the money down towards the new one. Mom's willing to help me with all of this, but that'll be like.. my first several paychecks if I get the work study position. Oh well.. just when I was getting interested in writing again, too. In other news, I wrote a whole song last night. I'd post it but ha ha, no laptop.