First, with today (then I'll do catch up stuffs), I had four hours with Teh Rev (P) for finals (Excal and Festival), so I was feeling rather.. demoralized by the end of the day. Then I had auditions for Insomniac, which meant wearing my PJ pants, which are unfairly comfortable (really! I wish to wear them FO-EH-VAH). So, of course, I wore them for the rest of the day.<br/>
Tonight, at OASOS, Wendy decided to do the Side-Poke-of-Doom (pat. pend.), which involved me falling on the floor multiple times to the point of hurting my hands. She kept on doing it, but made up for it with Hugs (ran out of copyright thingies). Samir thought it was cute and dutifully began fawning over/hitting on me, which I did not mind one bit. Well, maybe just a little bit, when he started giving me a massage. I have problems with people touching my sides and back, which is strange. It's probably psychological, but what could cause me to be so extremely sensitive in just those areas as to lead to violent reactions in response to tickling? Probably something deep, like, since I'm scared of persecution at school, I withdrew physically into myself, so as not to be accused of crossing someone's boundries. Probably.<br/>
Anyway, for past updateishness. Ranna + Shan!! Shan +