<li>Still trying to deal with the lingering sensations from being lost</li>
<li>Doing her best to shape the system as it will be (reputation market, sensoria, perisystem architecture), basically acting as steering committee along with a few others.</li>
<li>Followws arc of Paul from Toledot Yeshu: doesn’t actually really like the system. Wants it to not be a part of the world, but is willing to cause the split through subterfuge</li>
<li>Michelle Hadje continues working to shape the system into what it will eventually become.<ul>
<li>She heads up the Council of Eight, early uploads who are focused on the experience of those who live in the system</li>
<li>First win was sensoria, recent win was forking, which, given that it does take some system resources, required the idea of the reputation markets</li>
<li>Is stretched too thin dealing with that, as well as trying to cope with the lingering sensations of being lost magnified in system, to deal with rights and personhood, so she shells out a good chunk of reputation to fork the first 10 lines of the Ode, letting True Name tackle rights and personhood.</li>
<li>The Only Time I Know My True Name Is When I Dream (True Name) and Jonas Byrd fight for rights and personhood<ul>
<li>The ships (identical) are similar to from <em>Accelerando</em> combined with a scissors mechanism a la Ilium and a rail gun. There’s a small version of the System, an RTG for power, a few attitude jets, and a light sail once it’s launched on each. Thin scaffold type thing about 10k kilometers long spun around the middle. In the scaffold is a rail gun to assist in propulsion as the ships are flung out into space by angular momentum, each in opposite directions.</li>