<li>Tycho Brahe - astronomer, in a bit of hot water for answering without consulting, chosen as delegate while handled by True Name’s stanza</li>
<li>Codrin Balan - clerk for meetings, historian for info coming from remote ship</li>
<li>[four aliens] - visitors/emissaries, learning about system, humans, life, etc, got their own subtle machinations going on</li>
<li>Remote ship:<ul>
<li>Tycho Brahe - overwhelmed, gawking tourist, trying to glean as much astronomical knowledge as possible, almost uninterested in aliens qua aliens</li>
<li>[several aliens] - society is like [something], they are shaped like [something], they are originally from [somewhere] but they were post-biological (beyond implants) before uploading/launching</li>
<li>Agree to fall into trajectories that aren’t diverging so quickly (using attitude jets and angling solar sail, though Castor is still moving slower and has little chance to catch up/aliens don’t want to slow down)</li>
<liclass="done0"> Codrin not sure how ey feels about always being the amanuensis for everything big. Not tired, really, but frustrated?</li>
<liclass="done0"> Tangents/interludes throughout about how The History and Mythos affected launch-side society, maybe also sys-side via transmissions</li>
<liclass="done0"> Codrin struggles with feeling completely reactive and unable to be proactive. It’s not that ey doesn’t want to take on the project, but ey feels obligated to; it’s not that ey can’t decide whether or not to join the Artemis, but that ey can’t do so unless Dear and its partner do so first.</li>
<liclass="done2"><em>Accept my discipline rather than silver, knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies; no goods can equal her.</em>— Proverbs 8:10-11</li>
<liclass="done2"><em>If you race only with foot-runners and they exhaust you, how then can you compete with horses? If you are secure only in a tranquil land, how will you fare in the jungle of the Jordan?</em>— Jeremiah 12:5</li>
<liclass="done2"><ahref="local/codrin/002.html">Codrin Bălan</a>— Goes to begin the work with Tycho, explaining how projects start, amanuenses - 2643</li>
<liclass="done0"><ahref="local/tycho/003.html">Tycho Brahe</a>— Tycho#Artemis catches up on recent developments (instructions for interfacing with their version of the Ansible, instructions on course change to stay in closer contact for longer), meets up with Answers Will Not Help, who is surprisingly open about news management.</li>
<liclass="done0"><ahref="local/codrin/003.html">Codrin Bălan</a>— Meets But The Dead Know Nothing to talk about joining the amanuensis team, repentant, talk about what that would even look like, decide on Odist translator as Tycho will be astro translator</li>