<p>While I’m fairly accurate with the Nagant, I have two problems with it: the length of pull (distance between the trigger and butt-plate) is too short, and the comb (the top of the stock, where you rest your cheek) is too low and angled downwards. I fixed the first problem with a recoil absorber pad, and the second with an elastic ammo sleeve with a folded up piece of cloth under it. My goal was to fix these problems without modifying the rifle, in case I want to display it.<brclear="all"/>
<ahref="http://www.flickr.com/photos/ranna/2666232941/"title="Barrel grease by Drab Makyo, on Flickr"><imgalign="left"alt="Barrel grease"height="160"src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3180/2666232941_edf2741ffb_m.jpg"width="240"/></a> Of course, I still have lots of cleaning to do before it’s display worthy - this is about 20 patches worth of just the inside of the barrel, after doing 30 last night. Cosmo D:<br clear=”all”/</p>