<p>I had my own surgery in 2018, and my therapist suggested I write about my experience anonymously so that she could share it with one of her other clients who was looking at going through a similar process. That she did so a year before I started writing this is neither here nor there.</p>
<p>Either way, While Justice's story closely follows my own in a lot of respects, it isn't 100% the same. It's the type of thing I'd like to be readable without losing any of the informative aspects. A lot of the process of going through surgery is incredibly recondite and awkward, and there's no escaping that. The goal of this project is, first and foremost, to tell a story, but a close second is to provide an example of what one can expect in going through this process. To that end, I hope it helps.</p>
<p>To my mom, who changed my birthday to my surgery date.</p>
<p>Justice - trans woman getting GRS
Matthew - husband</p>
<li>Start with letters fiasco</li>
<li>flashback to:<ul>
<li>Deciding on surgery</li>
<li>Deciding on a surgeon</li>
<li>First round prep<ul>
<li>Getting letters (part 1)</li>
<li>Getting the consult</li>
<li>The consult</li>
<li>The problem of hair<ul>
<li>Leading up to surgery<ul>
<li>Getting letters (part 2)</li>
<li>The pre-op appointments<ul>
<li>General medical</li>
<li>Trans woman murdered in town a week before</li>
<li>Bowel prep</li>
<li>Driving and the night before</li>
<li>The morning of</li>
<li>Waking up and the first night</li>
<li>The hospital stay<ul>
<li>The bed</li>
<li>Bed rest</li>
<li>Bowel movements</li>
<li>Breathing and fever - incentive spirometer</li>