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2021-05-26 05:20:11 +00:00
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<title>Zk | 31</title>
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<h1>Zk | 31</h1>
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<p>If I assume that there is some subconscious root of my rising feelings toward Kay, and if I am to continue working backwards from a known starting point, then let me step back from that first recognition of those feelings.</p>
<p>We have countless hours of conversations over PostFast and email. We have fallen into the habit of at least saying hi to each other once a day. Sometimes, that is all the conversation that we have and the rest of our days will be eaten up by work and study, by reading and hobbies; and sometimes we will spend entire evenings talking, listening to music or watching comfort videos in the background while we engage on a more constant level.</p>
<p>Before we both wound up on PF, though, we had been emailing back and forth. We still do, on occasion, for when thoughts require something less immediate, something more structured than instant messaging<sup id="fnref:email"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#fn:email">1</a></sup>. Sending each other essays and bulleted lists and long quotations that we have found interesting.</p>
<p>I had planned to dig back through those conversations</p>
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<p>I have sometimes considered why this might be the case, and I have two main thoughts on the issue. The first is that email allows for threaded conversations. One can respond to a particular email, perhaps even after the conversation has continued from beyond that point. This also allows one to reply inline, even, interjecting thoughts between points one&rsquo;s interlocutor has made. The second is that as a self-advertised &ldquo;mobile first&rdquo; application, PF limits the width of the text per message to what might fit on a phone screen, even when using their desktop application, and something about reading a very narrow, very long block of text feels like a misuse of the medium.&#160;<a class="footnote-backref" href="#fnref:email" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text">&#8617;</a></p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-05-25</p>
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