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2021-09-23 04:35:04 +00:00
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' http://www.fur.com/tapestries/
Tapestries MUCK is a cross between a real life BDSM play party, a free form
roleplaying environment, and a social gathering place all within a furry
theme. It strives to provide a place for safe and free exploration of
dominance and submission roleplay, as well as other forms of sexual
expression in public and in private. Tapestries facilitates this by providing
an environment that is populated exclusively by adult players and furry
characters, as well as by setting guidelines that encourage tolerance and
respect of others' fantasies and beliefs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To request a new character see the web page: http://www.fur.com/tapestries/
E-mail other questions/comments to: tap-wizzes@fur.com
To connect an existing character type: connect <name> <passwd>
You can disconnect using the QUIT command, which must be capitalized as shown.
Use the WHO command to find out who is currently active.
The wizards reserve the right to refuse anyone access for any reason.
Tapestries MUCK Copyright 1991-2020 by tapestries.fur.com. All rights reserved.
Authors retain all rights to text, programs and other materials published on
Tapestries MUCK. Not for sale or reproduction without the express written
permission from Tapestries MUCK, and/or the original Authors.
>> This notice put in for your protection from unwanted publications. <<
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
Makyo stretches out and yawns toothily, shaking her fur out.
Players online for whom you are watching:
Jamie_Otterbein Jaymie Juliette Maelkoth
Makyo Selethrial Vasha Zakmael
Somewhere on the muck, Levia has connected.
Tikaani pages, "Hey sweetheart." to you.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
In a page-pose to you, Kianir kisses cheek. Hey capitalist.
Somewhere on the muck, Surf has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Tursiae has disconnected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Ale has disconnected.
Kianir is currently asleep.
You can leave mail with 'page #mail <plyrs>=<msg>'
Kianir is already in your permanent watchforlist.
> Adding player "Kianir"
You think of the distant teleport pattern plaza, and the world around you changes!
Town Center: Fox Plaza: Teleport Booth
You stand in a large booth erected around the plaza teleport pattern to keep the travel noise and magic from spamming Fox Plaza proper. There is really nothing interesting here, and there is a Cone of Silence spell placed inside the booth itself. Step outside if you want to talk...
-- You can use WA here to see who is in the plaza area.
-- You can now "read" the bulletin board here.
[ Obvious Exits: Fox Plaza (out) ]
## You have entered the Town Center zone.
1} GreyWizard 1192 weeks ago -- The bulletin board is back!
2} JadeWizard 1043 weeks ago -- Applying for Helpstaff
3} WhiteWizard 933 weeks ago -- It's Just A Game: The Myth Explained
4} WhiteWizard 917 weeks ago -- New wizard request system!
5} JadeWizard 888 weeks ago -- FAQ: What happened to my trouble ticket?
6} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about "OOC spam" in the Plaza.
7} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- FAQ: Where can I read the MUCK policies?
8} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about NCOs and alts.
9} JadeWizard 809 weeks ago -- FAQ: Will disliking someone put me at risk of being toaded?
10} JadeWizard 877 weeks ago -- FAQ: What about copy protected character concepts?
11} JadeWizard 236 weeks ago -- ZONE DIRECTORY (t plaza, east, east)
12} JadeWizard 774 weeks ago -- FAQ: What is powergaming?
13} JadeWizard 756 weeks ago -- PLAZA BULLETIN BOARD RULES
14} JadeWizard 752 weeks ago -- Public Building Process (100% on the forums)
15} JadeWizard 735 weeks ago -- Acceptable Public Play
16} TealWizard 243 weeks ago -- Political discussion is now prohibited in the plaza
17} TealWizard 241 weeks ago -- RE: "omg safe space"
18} TealWizard 93 weeks ago -- Taps Commands Cheatsheet
19} WhiteWizard 26 weeks ago -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance.
20) Faruja Last week -- M Rat Seeks Shemale Girlfriend
21) MacCallen Last week -- World Suicide Prevention Day (9/10/21)
22) Windchaser Yesterday -- An Open Letter to the Wizcore and Playerbase
23) WolfWings Yesterday -- Re: Policies and phrasing resulting in unexpected surprises
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message. Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword. Use 'read -' to read the next message.
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
You wake up back home, without your possessions.
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
## You have entered the Unlinked Building zone.
In a page-pose to you, Dave puts fox in witness protection
*** @bulletin ***
April 27th, 2020 -- COVID 19 Misinformation
As this is a matter of literal life and death to tens if not hundreds
of thousands of our fellow human beings, people distributing
misinformation or otherwise attempting to minimize the impact of
Don't even try and argue with me about this one.
- White
The ban on the public discussion of politics is now extended to ALL
public spaces on Tapestries MUCK except those zones where the
Zone Owner has explicitly allowed it.
Given the toxic nature of world and especially American politics it
has been deemed too disruptive to the Muck's mission.
- WhiteWizard
March 4th, 2021 -- Zone ownership transfer
Ownership of the Palace of Dragons has been transferred from Theodore to
March 16th, 2021 -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance
Please see the post by this name on the Plaza BB. Thank you.
- White
July 14th, 2021 -- MPI delay/timer loops forbidden in POLICY BUILDER
Timer Loops - You may NOT implement delay loops. As in a delay that
calls another delay to cause repeated MPI executions.
delay is an MPI command.
- White
July 16th, 2021 -- New Zone: Nuevo Lobos
Nuevo Lobos is a small coastal town north of Chehon catering to the 13-and-up
crowd, offering a variety of restaurants, shops, and social hangouts. Stop by
the comic shop, polish your skate or surfboard, hit the waves and round off
your day's visit at the Teahouse or any of the other fantastic restaurants.
See you there!
t chehon; ns; nl - Learnable teleport at this location.
- White
*** To see this bulletin again, enter @bulletin ***
Dave is currently 12 minutes idle and may not get back to you soon.
You page-pose, "Makyo nuzznuzz on yeens." to Dave
In a page-pose to you, Dave slurps up over one of your ears, "Any news?"
You page-pose, "Makyo mmnf, rubs her ear on you, wet. "Nah. Just sitting here, stewing in it. Wrote a bit, then gave up for the day. How's spots? Good food?"" to Dave
In a page-pose to you, Dave sits next to fox and stirs her stew. "Yeah, was tasty! Had fried yucca too, which tastes very similar to potato." :P
You page-pose, "Makyo slouches against yenafriend and nods. "It kinda does, yeah. Did you have fried plantains, too?"" to Dave
Dave pages, "I thought about it, but decided not to." to you.
Dave pages, "We got the beef heart and this fried potato ball thing that was kinda like if you made balls of shepherd's pie around a hard boiled egg?" to you.
Dave pages, "And then I got this stewed beef in cilantro sauce with pinto beans and rice and gobbled it up. NOMNOMNOM" to you.
You page-pose, "Makyo huh! "They all sound pretty dang tasty." to Dave
In a page-pose to you, Dave nods, it was good! Peruvian people seem to like their cilantro which I am all about.
In a page-pose to you, Dave hauls fox into bed and slumps over her, "I work at 6am. Booo
You page-pose, "Makyo curls in bed 'cause also exhausted. "That's toooo eaaaarly." to Dave
In a page-pose to you, Dave agrees! Blarg. Working mornings the next two weeks. He does get some cuddles in on that fox and noses her neck as he smushes real close. "One of our cats, Speatzle, was very annoyed the space toilet was spinning when she wanted to use it."
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
You page-pose, "Makyo wiggles in all cozylike, hrrf. Yeens are very good. "Oh noooo. Ours hated it so much she started peeing on the furniture and we had to get rid of it." to Dave
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
In a page-pose to you, Dave frooooowns at Turtle. "So ungrateful!" He snerks and plops a kitty between us to pet, because is there really anything better than petting cats? "What was fox dinner?"
You page, "I had some mac and cheese thing with bits of kale, and also made fresh baba ganoush, which I stirred in." to Dave.
You think of the distant teleport pattern plaza, and the world around you changes!
Town Center: Fox Plaza: Teleport Booth
You stand in a large booth erected around the plaza teleport pattern to keep the travel noise and magic from spamming Fox Plaza proper. There is really nothing interesting here, and there is a Cone of Silence spell placed inside the booth itself. Step outside if you want to talk...
-- You can use WA here to see who is in the plaza area.
-- You can now "read" the bulletin board here.
[ Obvious Exits: Fox Plaza (out) ]
## You have entered the Town Center zone.
1} GreyWizard 1192 weeks ago -- The bulletin board is back!
2} JadeWizard 1043 weeks ago -- Applying for Helpstaff
3} WhiteWizard 933 weeks ago -- It's Just A Game: The Myth Explained
4} WhiteWizard 917 weeks ago -- New wizard request system!
5} JadeWizard 888 weeks ago -- FAQ: What happened to my trouble ticket?
6} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about "OOC spam" in the Plaza.
7} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- FAQ: Where can I read the MUCK policies?
8} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about NCOs and alts.
9} JadeWizard 809 weeks ago -- FAQ: Will disliking someone put me at risk of being toaded?
10} JadeWizard 877 weeks ago -- FAQ: What about copy protected character concepts?
11} JadeWizard 236 weeks ago -- ZONE DIRECTORY (t plaza, east, east)
12} JadeWizard 774 weeks ago -- FAQ: What is powergaming?
13} JadeWizard 756 weeks ago -- PLAZA BULLETIN BOARD RULES
14} JadeWizard 752 weeks ago -- Public Building Process (100% on the forums)
15} JadeWizard 735 weeks ago -- Acceptable Public Play
16} TealWizard 243 weeks ago -- Political discussion is now prohibited in the plaza
17} TealWizard 241 weeks ago -- RE: "omg safe space"
18} TealWizard 93 weeks ago -- Taps Commands Cheatsheet
19} WhiteWizard 26 weeks ago -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance.
20) Faruja Last week -- M Rat Seeks Shemale Girlfriend
21) MacCallen Last week -- World Suicide Prevention Day (9/10/21)
22) Windchaser Yesterday -- An Open Letter to the Wizcore and Playerbase
23) WolfWings Yesterday -- Re: Policies and phrasing resulting in unexpected surprises
24) Faruja Today -- M Rat Seeks Musky Female Or Shemale
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message. Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword. Use 'read -' to read the next message.
Dave pages, "BABA GANOUSH!" to you.
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
You wake up back home, without your possessions.
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
## You have entered the Unlinked Building zone.
Dave pages, "Perhaps the most fun food to say." to you.
You page-pose, "Makyo nodnods!" to Dave
Dave pages, "Thanks, MXC" to you.
In a page-pose to you, Dave wants to make a pasta and sausage skillet thing tomorrow
Somewhere on the muck, Lucy has disconnected.
In a page-pose to you, Dave is gonna hit the hay fox
Dave is currently asleep.
You can leave mail with 'page #mail <plyrs>=<msg>'
Dave is already in your permanent watchforlist.
> Player "Dave" is already in that list.
You think of the distant teleport pattern plaza, and the world around you changes!
Town Center: Fox Plaza: Teleport Booth
You stand in a large booth erected around the plaza teleport pattern to keep the travel noise and magic from spamming Fox Plaza proper. There is really nothing interesting here, and there is a Cone of Silence spell placed inside the booth itself. Step outside if you want to talk...
-- You can use WA here to see who is in the plaza area.
-- You can now "read" the bulletin board here.
[ Obvious Exits: Fox Plaza (out) ]
## You have entered the Town Center zone.
Yanaba walks east to East Mink Way.
Room Name Sex Species Status
Fox Plaza Chadwick himbo pitbull Idle 15s
Fox Plaza Edgar_Sinclair CisflexHalf-elf (Draconic) Awake
Fox Plaza Reros male dolphin Awake
Fox Plaza Croco Male Nile Crocodile Idle 56s
Fox Plaza Jon_Larch male wolf Idle 52s
Fox Plaza Kara_Sionnach female Fox Idle 23s
Fox Plaza Sitka Female Clouded Jaguar Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Silverhooves StallioFriesian Idle 3m
Fox Plaza Fenmore Female Human Idle 37s
Fox Plaza Niva male gargoyle Idle 4m
Fox Plaza Kissa mom bunny Idle 50s
Fox Plaza Katana Herm Fractal Felifox Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Trist Male Skunk Idle 40s
Fox Plaza PantherWill male black panther Idle 30s
Fox Plaza Sair Male Drow Feline Idle 8m
Fox Plaza Twopaw Male Garou (werewolf) Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Nikky Female Polar Bear Idle 19s
Fox Plaza Vatira_Atomos Female Spooky Elf Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Mikari Male Lion Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Calaway Male Hippie Griffin Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Sorai Male Mouse Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Jessi Female Otter Idle 14m
Fox Plaza Strayr Male Bull Idle 8m
Fox Plaza Aellynh Herm Shadow Dragon Idle 5m
Fox Plaza Vicari Male Pegasus Idle 18m
Fox Plaza Thaddeus male sable chinchilla Idle 20m
Fox Plaza Caprice female cat Idle 11s
Fox Plaza Hifumi_Shun Male Kitsune Idle 4m
Fox Plaza Erion Boy Wolf Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Cimerin DickgirMousie Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Tsaria Female Young Dragoness Idle 6m
Fox Plaza Razputin Male Rabbit! Idle 8m
Fox Plaza Dvala Female African Lion'taur Idle 23m
Fox Plaza Kalek male border collie Idle 14m
Fox Plaza Cleigh_Jamison Male Swift Fox Idle 13m
Fox Plaza Monterro Male Maned Wolf Idle 17m
Fox Plaza Redscruff boy haremfox Idle 1m
Fox Plaza TealWizard Male Squirrelled Boss Idle 28m
Fox Plaza Taibe Male Non-Morphic Dragon Idle 16m
Fox Plaza Zacas Male White Tiger Idle 6m
Fox Plaza Asui Female Black Dragoness Idle 44m
Fox Plaza Trae Male Anthro Chocobo Idle 8m
Fox Plaza Dave Male Spotted Hyena Asleep
Fox Plaza Caly male SilverWhite Rabbit Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Mirla Girl White-Tailed Doe Idle 3m
Fox Plaza Kem male fancy rat Idle 33m
Fox Plaza MegaWolf male White Wolf 'Morph Idle 44m
Fox Plaza Robert_Wayfare Male Husky Pup Idle 12m
Fox Plaza Aetern Male Irish Wolfhound Idle 7m
Fox Plaza Soman Female teenage mink babe! Idle 6m
Fox Plaza Tikke Female Wolf (non-morphic) Idle 3m
Fox Plaza Quinten_Thorton Eunuch Teen Cheetah Idle 13m
Fox Plaza DarkFyre Male Indoraptor Anthro Idle 9m
Fox Plaza Ranshag male white wolf Idle 53s
Fox Plaza Mudd Male Raccoon Idle 35m
Fox Plaza Renfield Teen MaCheetah Idle 13m
Fox Plaza Angus Girl Golden Bear Idle 7m
Fox Plaza Talonstrike Female Morphic Nebular Dragon Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Barlow Male German Shepherd Idle 19m
Fox Plaza Thjorn Female Kirin Idle 23s
Fox Plaza BlackMoon Male Equine Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Trevor Colt Zebra Idle 42s
Fox Plaza Lauren_Grady Female bear Idle 3m
Fox Plaza TalynWuff Male Grey Wolf/Husky Idle 10m
Fox Plaza Raganzi Male Rat Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Red_Julianos Male Stallion Idle 5m
Fox Plaza Conall male Rough Coated Collie Idle 3m
Fox Plaza Emerson Male Red Fox Idle 16m
Fox Plaza Ciran Boy Red Panda Idle 51m
Fox Plaza Asheer male Hell Hound Idle 25m
Fox Plaza Petrovic Male Rhino Idle 7m
Fox Plaza Avery Male Marten kid Idle 7m
Fox Plaza Eryn GirlyboYoung Elf Idle 5m
Fox Plaza Arachnia Female Night Elf Idle 16m
Fox Plaza Quank male mouse Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Lhyton_Tucker male lop-ear rabbit Idle 8m
Fox Plaza Samus Male Draft Horse (Shire) Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Evas Male Giant Zebra Idle 47s
Fox Plaza Torey Male Elf teen Idle 30m
Fox Plaza Cherise InterseSloth Demon Awake
Fox Plaza Upuaut Male Sable Dragon Idle 14s
Fox Plaza Ayawni Female Amur Leopard Idle 3m
Fox Plaza Kliff male Eevee Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Echo Male Cursed Shark Idle 6m
Fox Plaza Sindryl male Cougar Idle 50s
Fox Plaza Badiah Male Siberian Tiger Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Garden varietyof plants Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Miri Female Pony Idle 4m
Fox Plaza Arabica intersecoffee ryu Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Maelkoth male Jaguar Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Grond Male Horse Idle 4m
Fox Plaza Ivan Male Black-Backed Jackal Idle 10m
Fox Plaza Tiarney Male Furred Dragon Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Nen ambiguogray fox Idle 17m
Fox Plaza Lynette female lioness Idle 15s
Fox Plaza WhiteWolf male Wolf Idle 14m
Fox Plaza Maximus male Teen Timberwolf Idle 1m
Fox Plaza Denn Male Young Dragon Idle 37m
Fox Plaza R-13 Female?Goo-Sergal? Idle 2m
Fox Plaza Moy male housecat Idle 19m
Fox Plaza Tao hermaphSiberian Lynx Idle 55s
Public Show/Play Area Orim_Calix Male Silver Wolf Idle 15s
Dragon's Way Balum_Radulf Male Bos Tauros Asleep
Dragon's Way Orsino Male Raccoon Idle 2m
Dragon's Way Harri Girl Elf Idle 55s
Dragon's Way Chiara Male Samoyed Idle 55m
Dragon's Way Sex-Toy Female Sex Toy Idle 57s
Visiting the Stockades T'Rish female bat Idle 25s
Visiting the Stockades Asmodeus male Demonic Lapine Awake
Visiting the Stockades Kaur Boy Elf Demon Idle 11m
Visiting the Stockades Tasho male Jagrabbit Stud Idle 4m
Visiting the Stockades Macavity herm feline Idle 9m
East Mink Walkway Yanaba Female Smilodon Awake
Classroom Campfire Kesh AndrogyCheetah Idle 2m
Yanaba fades into existance on the teleport pattern.
Yanaba walks north to Dragon's Way.
1} GreyWizard 1192 weeks ago -- The bulletin board is back!
2} JadeWizard 1043 weeks ago -- Applying for Helpstaff
3} WhiteWizard 933 weeks ago -- It's Just A Game: The Myth Explained
4} WhiteWizard 917 weeks ago -- New wizard request system!
5} JadeWizard 888 weeks ago -- FAQ: What happened to my trouble ticket?
6} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about "OOC spam" in the Plaza.
7} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- FAQ: Where can I read the MUCK policies?
8} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about NCOs and alts.
9} JadeWizard 809 weeks ago -- FAQ: Will disliking someone put me at risk of being toaded?
10} JadeWizard 877 weeks ago -- FAQ: What about copy protected character concepts?
11} JadeWizard 236 weeks ago -- ZONE DIRECTORY (t plaza, east, east)
12} JadeWizard 774 weeks ago -- FAQ: What is powergaming?
13} JadeWizard 756 weeks ago -- PLAZA BULLETIN BOARD RULES
14} JadeWizard 752 weeks ago -- Public Building Process (100% on the forums)
15} JadeWizard 735 weeks ago -- Acceptable Public Play
16} TealWizard 243 weeks ago -- Political discussion is now prohibited in the plaza
17} TealWizard 241 weeks ago -- RE: "omg safe space"
18} TealWizard 93 weeks ago -- Taps Commands Cheatsheet
19} WhiteWizard 26 weeks ago -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance.
20) Faruja Last week -- M Rat Seeks Shemale Girlfriend
21) MacCallen Last week -- World Suicide Prevention Day (9/10/21)
22) Windchaser Yesterday -- An Open Letter to the Wizcore and Playerbase
23) WolfWings Yesterday -- Re: Policies and phrasing resulting in unexpected surprises
24) Faruja Today -- M Rat Seeks Musky Female Or Shemale
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message. Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword. Use 'read -' to read the next message.
Grand_Max fades into existance on the teleport pattern.
Grand_Max steps out of the teleport booth.
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
You wake up back home, without your possessions.
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
## You have entered the Unlinked Building zone.
Somewhere on the muck, Lucy has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
You think of the distant teleport pattern plaza, and the world around you changes!
Town Center: Fox Plaza: Teleport Booth
You stand in a large booth erected around the plaza teleport pattern to keep the travel noise and magic from spamming Fox Plaza proper. There is really nothing interesting here, and there is a Cone of Silence spell placed inside the booth itself. Step outside if you want to talk...
-- You can use WA here to see who is in the plaza area.
-- You can now "read" the bulletin board here.
[ Obvious Exits: Fox Plaza (out) ]
## You have entered the Town Center zone.
22) Windchaser Yesterday -- An Open Letter to the Wizcore and Playerbase
From: Windchaser 05:32:46 09/19/21 PDT
A player has been stockaded 30 days for posting an advertisement on the Plaza board.
I just read through all of https://www.fur.com/tapestries/wiki/Policies , every page and linked wiki article.
There is nothing prohibiting advertising or commercial use there. The word 'advertising' doesn't even appear except in the context of listing rooms on the LC.
I have read every post on this board, including #13, PLAZA BULLETIN BOARD RULES. None of the posts ban commercial advertisement. In fact, #13 specifically says there are no rules beyond 'no discussions on this board' and 'no inflammatory content'.
I could certainly see advertisements becoming spam if repeated and filling up the board. I could see advertisements being removed because they are for something illegal or distasteful, as much of a judgement call as that may be.
I am not the person who was stockaded. I don't even know them beyond having seem them in the Plaza now and then.
But in the interests of transparency, I would like to ask: What policy was violated?
If 'no advertisements' is not listed in the policies but it SHOULD be, then that should be corrected. And the person stocked should be released with an apology.
I believe I am a fairly typical user of this space and like most of the userbase I don't have any problem with the concept of rules, or following the rules, even if I don't agree with a particular rule.
But I cannot follow rules if I do not know what they are, and so I request a link to where the policy or standard violated was listed or posted, so I can know what other behaviors I may have to amend.
I am posting this to the Plaza board because I believe a question about rules transparency can only be meaningfully asked publicly. I sincerely hope this sparks a discussion about the topic, though obviously not on this board.
23) WolfWings Yesterday -- Re: Policies and phrasing resulting in unexpected surprises
From: WolfWings 11:43:49 09/19/21 PDT
The policy which triggers against 'advertising' is one that's quite buried, in addition to being very poorly worded.
It's attached to the "Public Conduct" policy here: https://www.fur.com/tapestries/wiki/Policy_Public_Conduct
The item in question, Spamming, begins it's description in a way that indicates the policy is against high-volume nonsense: "Dumping large amounts of text to a room that causes it to be difficult to interact with others..."
So at an initial read folks would see that, think they understand it, and due to human nature with parsing English may not fully parse that policy even if they fully read and scan over the sentence.
The 'advertising' part is at the tail end, literally bolted on with a blended pair of coordinating conjunctions so scanning from the end of the sentence is likely to see it as a run-on starting at 'unprompted solicitations' and miss the 'public' part that triggers it here.
So yes, there is an explicit policy against "... public ... solicitations for real-life ... goods ..." however it's extraordinarilly poorly worded and effectively a Yu-Gi-Oh Trap Card buried in the grammar.
But there's a further issue with this, the description of this entire list of "Public Nuisance" categories? Explicitly says they are a public nuisance when they are "excessive acts of:"
Any form of advertising for IRL things being banned perhaps should be made an explicitly separate item, or possibly a separate policy and/or duplicate board-rule since it being stuck inside 'public conduct' has very 'bottom of a filing cabinet behind a door labelled "Beware of Leopard"' energy.
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
You wake up back home, without your possessions.
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
## You have entered the Unlinked Building zone.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zakmael has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zakmael has connected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Cherise has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Lucy has disconnected.
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Somewhere on the muck, Maddy has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Levia has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Maddy has disconnected.
>> Makyo rolls 1 20-sided die getting 18.
Somewhere on the muck, Zakmael has reconnected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Ramsay has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Surf has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Othello has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has disconnected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Tursiae has disconnected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has connected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Levia has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Cherise has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Maelkoth has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has connected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has disconnected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
You think of the distant teleport pattern plaza, and the world around you changes!
Town Center: Fox Plaza: Teleport Booth
You stand in a large booth erected around the plaza teleport pattern to keep the travel noise and magic from spamming Fox Plaza proper. There is really nothing interesting here, and there is a Cone of Silence spell placed inside the booth itself. Step outside if you want to talk...
-- You can use WA here to see who is in the plaza area.
-- You can now "read" the bulletin board here.
[ Obvious Exits: Fox Plaza (out) ]
## You have entered the Town Center zone.
1} GreyWizard 1192 weeks ago -- The bulletin board is back!
2} JadeWizard 1043 weeks ago -- Applying for Helpstaff
3} WhiteWizard 933 weeks ago -- It's Just A Game: The Myth Explained
4} WhiteWizard 917 weeks ago -- New wizard request system!
5} JadeWizard 888 weeks ago -- FAQ: What happened to my trouble ticket?
6} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about "OOC spam" in the Plaza.
7} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- FAQ: Where can I read the MUCK policies?
8} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about NCOs and alts.
9} JadeWizard 809 weeks ago -- FAQ: Will disliking someone put me at risk of being toaded?
10} JadeWizard 877 weeks ago -- FAQ: What about copy protected character concepts?
11} JadeWizard 236 weeks ago -- ZONE DIRECTORY (t plaza, east, east)
12} JadeWizard 774 weeks ago -- FAQ: What is powergaming?
13} JadeWizard 756 weeks ago -- PLAZA BULLETIN BOARD RULES
14} JadeWizard 752 weeks ago -- Public Building Process (100% on the forums)
15} JadeWizard 735 weeks ago -- Acceptable Public Play
16} TealWizard 243 weeks ago -- Political discussion is now prohibited in the plaza
17} TealWizard 241 weeks ago -- RE: "omg safe space"
18} TealWizard 93 weeks ago -- Taps Commands Cheatsheet
19} WhiteWizard 26 weeks ago -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance.
20) Faruja Last week -- M Rat Seeks Shemale Girlfriend
21) MacCallen Last week -- World Suicide Prevention Day (9/10/21)
22) Faruja Today -- M Rat Seeks Musky Female Or Shemale
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message. Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword. Use 'read -' to read the next message.
Velos walks north to Dragon's Way.
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
You wake up back home, without your possessions.
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
## You have entered the Unlinked Building zone.
Somewhere on the muck, Ramsay has disconnected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
In a page-pose to you, Velveteen waves at ya. Was curious if you had a link to the book. Apologizes for messaging out of the blue like this.
Velveteen is currently 13 minutes idle and may not get back to you soon.
You page-pose, "Makyo eep! Waves! Offers https://wildness.makyo.ink or https://makyo.ink/publications ! Thank you so much for asking ^^" to Velveteen
In a page-pose to you, Velveteen thanks ya! Also wishes ya well. This whole thing you had to suffer was dumb and they're only hearing about this recently.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Lucy has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has connected.
*** @bulletin ***
April 27th, 2020 -- COVID 19 Misinformation
As this is a matter of literal life and death to tens if not hundreds
of thousands of our fellow human beings, people distributing
misinformation or otherwise attempting to minimize the impact of
Don't even try and argue with me about this one.
- White
The ban on the public discussion of politics is now extended to ALL
public spaces on Tapestries MUCK except those zones where the
Zone Owner has explicitly allowed it.
Given the toxic nature of world and especially American politics it
has been deemed too disruptive to the Muck's mission.
- WhiteWizard
March 4th, 2021 -- Zone ownership transfer
Ownership of the Palace of Dragons has been transferred from Theodore to
March 16th, 2021 -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance
Please see the post by this name on the Plaza BB. Thank you.
- White
July 14th, 2021 -- MPI delay/timer loops forbidden in POLICY BUILDER
Timer Loops - You may NOT implement delay loops. As in a delay that
calls another delay to cause repeated MPI executions.
delay is an MPI command.
- White
July 16th, 2021 -- New Zone: Nuevo Lobos
Nuevo Lobos is a small coastal town north of Chehon catering to the 13-and-up
crowd, offering a variety of restaurants, shops, and social hangouts. Stop by
the comic shop, polish your skate or surfboard, hit the waves and round off
your day's visit at the Teahouse or any of the other fantastic restaurants.
See you there!
t chehon; ns; nl - Learnable teleport at this location.
- White
*** To see this bulletin again, enter @bulletin ***
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
You think of the distant teleport pattern plaza, and the world around you changes!
Town Center: Fox Plaza: Teleport Booth
You stand in a large booth erected around the plaza teleport pattern to keep the travel noise and magic from spamming Fox Plaza proper. There is really nothing interesting here, and there is a Cone of Silence spell placed inside the booth itself. Step outside if you want to talk...
-- You can use WA here to see who is in the plaza area.
-- You can now "read" the bulletin board here.
[ Obvious Exits: Fox Plaza (out) ]
## You have entered the Town Center zone.
1} GreyWizard 1192 weeks ago -- The bulletin board is back!
2} JadeWizard 1043 weeks ago -- Applying for Helpstaff
3} WhiteWizard 933 weeks ago -- It's Just A Game: The Myth Explained
4} WhiteWizard 917 weeks ago -- New wizard request system!
5} JadeWizard 888 weeks ago -- FAQ: What happened to my trouble ticket?
6} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about "OOC spam" in the Plaza.
7} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- FAQ: Where can I read the MUCK policies?
8} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about NCOs and alts.
9} JadeWizard 809 weeks ago -- FAQ: Will disliking someone put me at risk of being toaded?
10} JadeWizard 877 weeks ago -- FAQ: What about copy protected character concepts?
11} JadeWizard 236 weeks ago -- ZONE DIRECTORY (t plaza, east, east)
12} JadeWizard 774 weeks ago -- FAQ: What is powergaming?
13} JadeWizard 756 weeks ago -- PLAZA BULLETIN BOARD RULES
14} JadeWizard 752 weeks ago -- Public Building Process (100% on the forums)
15} JadeWizard 735 weeks ago -- Acceptable Public Play
16} TealWizard 243 weeks ago -- Political discussion is now prohibited in the plaza
17} TealWizard 241 weeks ago -- RE: "omg safe space"
18} TealWizard 93 weeks ago -- Taps Commands Cheatsheet
19} WhiteWizard 26 weeks ago -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance.
20) Faruja Last week -- M Rat Seeks Shemale Girlfriend
21) MacCallen Last week -- World Suicide Prevention Day (9/10/21)
22) Faruja Today -- M Rat Seeks Musky Female Or Shemale
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message. Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword. Use 'read -' to read the next message.
Christin goes home.
Christin has left.
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
You wake up back home, without your possessions.
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
## You have entered the Unlinked Building zone.
In a page-pose to you, Christin boop as you pass.
You page-pose, "Makyo was about to do the same, so! Boop ^^" to Christin
Christin pages, "Dueling boops. :)" to you.
You page-pose, "Makyo nod. "Is important! How is?"" to Christin
In a page-pose to you, Christin is okay. Waiting on dinner.
Christin pages, "How is you?" to you.
You page, "Oh, gettin' by. Writing while I have the time. Two more weeks until I go back to work." to Christin.
Christin pages, "Howcome no work?" to you.
You page-pose, "Makyo's on short term disability after very dramatic mental health stuff. Time off has been useful, at least. Has gotten a book ready to publish, nearly finished another, and gotten stockaded on Taps, so...wins all around!" to Christin
In a page-pose to you, Christin nods and gives a hugging hug for huggery.
You page-pose, "Makyo hug, then! Hughuuug." to Christin
Somewhere on the muck, Ale has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has disconnected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Othello has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Ale has disconnected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Ramsay has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Levia has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has connected.
You think of the distant teleport pattern plaza, and the world around you changes!
Town Center: Fox Plaza: Teleport Booth
You stand in a large booth erected around the plaza teleport pattern to keep the travel noise and magic from spamming Fox Plaza proper. There is really nothing interesting here, and there is a Cone of Silence spell placed inside the booth itself. Step outside if you want to talk...
-- You can use WA here to see who is in the plaza area.
-- You can now "read" the bulletin board here.
[ Obvious Exits: Fox Plaza (out) ]
## You have entered the Town Center zone.
1} GreyWizard 1192 weeks ago -- The bulletin board is back!
2} JadeWizard 1043 weeks ago -- Applying for Helpstaff
3} WhiteWizard 933 weeks ago -- It's Just A Game: The Myth Explained
4} WhiteWizard 918 weeks ago -- New wizard request system!
5} JadeWizard 888 weeks ago -- FAQ: What happened to my trouble ticket?
6} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about "OOC spam" in the Plaza.
7} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- FAQ: Where can I read the MUCK policies?
8} JadeWizard 887 weeks ago -- A note about NCOs and alts.
9} JadeWizard 809 weeks ago -- FAQ: Will disliking someone put me at risk of being toaded?
10} JadeWizard 877 weeks ago -- FAQ: What about copy protected character concepts?
11} JadeWizard 236 weeks ago -- ZONE DIRECTORY (t plaza, east, east)
12} JadeWizard 774 weeks ago -- FAQ: What is powergaming?
13} JadeWizard 756 weeks ago -- PLAZA BULLETIN BOARD RULES
14} JadeWizard 753 weeks ago -- Public Building Process (100% on the forums)
15} JadeWizard 735 weeks ago -- Acceptable Public Play
16} TealWizard 243 weeks ago -- Political discussion is now prohibited in the plaza
17} TealWizard 241 weeks ago -- RE: "omg safe space"
18} TealWizard 93 weeks ago -- Taps Commands Cheatsheet
19} WhiteWizard 27 weeks ago -- Price of Tolerating Intolerance.
20) Faruja Last week -- M Rat Seeks Shemale Girlfriend
21) MacCallen Last week -- World Suicide Prevention Day (9/10/21)
22) Faruja Yesterday -- M Rat Seeks Musky Female Or Shemale
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message. Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword. Use 'read -' to read the next message.
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
There's no place like home...
You wake up back home, without your possessions.
Makyo's Flat(#85754RA)
More of a studio or loft than anything this flat has no separating walls except for those protecting the privacy of those engaging in bathroomly behaviors.. Nestled in one corner is a kitchenette type thing with an island counter for eating. Along an opposite wall are large picture windows, at the base of which a low platform surrounding two mattresses set next to each other on the ground, creating a sort of soft spot in the floor to serve as a ginormous bed type thing, with a few comfortors and loads of pillows tossed in to complete the image.
## You have entered the Unlinked Building zone.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Ramsay has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Othello has disconnected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Lutea has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Lutea has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Lucy has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has disconnected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Vasha has connected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Cherise has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Jaymie has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Maelkoth has connected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Ramsay has connected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Cherise has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Cherise has connected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
Somewhere on the muck, Ramsay has disconnected.
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Lukasz has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Lukasz has disconnected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Aeothen has connected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Lucy has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Maelkoth has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Aeothen has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Christin has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Aeothen has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Ale has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Ale has reconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has disconnected.
## Preparing to dump database. Two minute warning! ##
## Pausing to save database. This may take a while... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zakmael has reconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Levia has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has connected.
Somewhere on the muck, Zaheira has disconnected.
## Saving changed objects, just a moment... ##
## ...or not. ##
Somewhere on the muck, Dave has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Ale has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Aeothen has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Cherise has disconnected.
Somewhere on the muck, Juliette has disconnected.
Auto-disconnecting for inactivity.
~Connection lost at 2021-09-22T051610