<p>I did. I wasn’t really able to find much from The Before Times, but I found a few from shortly after while prowling through my LiveJournal and archives of my old site in high school.</p>
<p>The more I think of it, the more I think it’s that they’re just too…work. They’re not creative, because they’re too mechanical. I had realized that writing wasn’t just play, so I stopped playing altogether.</p>
The small bit of Faith quickly passed as society's scat
Now, it's come that those of Nanon have all but forgotten
Those of Whispers except perhaps in myth
Maybe portrayed as consorting with
Black cats or something equally rotten.
But for the Whisperers, the city
Of Nanon is very real, also denial of pity
Of sunlight,
For sunlight
Is blocked by the city directly overhead
And the Whisperers know of only shadow instead;
Only death out from beneath the city to be gotten.
The magic that's spoken of those
Of the Whispers, is often made
Out to be more, but because of their stayed
Speech, only whispers remain in quite prose.
So through the long stretches of time,
The Whisperers, through long stretches of rhyme
Can make -
Only make -
What they wish, with words divine,
Benign, or malign,
And in their creations complete trust repose.
So begins a story, often told but never yet writ
Of a divided people still the same
And the rise and fall of a god played like a game.
While not true itself, it is truth lit:
As men continue to create and live under gods,
What would happen if the gods, at odds,
Warred and fell,
Raising hell
In the process? What would happen
In a society misshapen
If a wrathful god fell and no one cared a whit?</div>
<p>Ah yes, your Keats phase.</p>
<p>It was a mixture of Keats and Larry Niven, I think.</p>
<p>That is intensely Madison.</p>
<p>I had recently read <em>The Ringworld Throne</em>, so I was thinking about vertically stratified cities, and had also been on a Keats kick ever since reading <em>The Hyperion Cantos</em>, so I decided I would write a sci-fi epic poem to support my conlang.</p>