update from sparkleup

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Madison Scott-Clary 2022-01-12 10:20:14 -08:00
parent 9bf6746de2
commit 05bd3d0b3d
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -99,32 +99,32 @@
<p>&ldquo;<em>Aët.</em> Thank you Codrin. We will continue to use full names during the talks, but you may call me Artante outside of them.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;I will remain-always-be Turun Ko.&rdquo;</p>
<p>There was another moment&rsquo;s silence as Codrin and Sarah processed and the Artemisians waited.</p>
<p>There was so much to take in here, but on further examination, it all made quite a bit of sense. The Artemisians had prepared for this event as thoroughly as had the Odists and Jonases. Of course there would be things that would happen &mdash; or at least could be reasonably expected to happen &mdash; throughout the convergence. The Artemisians had a head start in that they had history to lean on: they&rsquo;d been through at least three convergences prior to this one.</p>
<p>There was so much to take in here, but on further examination, it all made quite a bit of sense. The Artemisians had prepared for this event as thoroughly as had the Odists and Jonases. Of course there would be things that would happen &mdash; or at least could be reasonably expected to happen &mdash; throughout the convergence. The Artemisians simply had a head start in that they had history to lean on: they&rsquo;d been through at least three convergences prior to this one.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I don&rsquo;t imagine there was anything like what happened with Answers Will Not Help in your steps,&rdquo; ey said, finally.</p>
<p>&ldquo;<em>Nu.</em> There are analogous-similar topics. Psychosis and time-sickness have been seen-observed in the past. This is why quitting-exiting-death are prevented-illegal in the conference and rest areas. That representative Answers Will Not Help quit-exited-died is upsetting-distressing-concerning. Representative Iska has undertaken the task of exploring-examining the event.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;Right. I&rsquo;m sure True Name and Turun Ka are discussing this, too.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Artante shook her head. &ldquo;They are having a different discussion. It is not the time for them to have the conversation of steps and checklists.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Sarah frowned. &ldquo;Should we tell her about this discussion?&rdquo;</p>
<p>After a hesitation, the fourtracer replied, &ldquo;There are steps on the checklist for if you do and if you do not.&rdquo;</p>
<p><em>Sounds like a no, then,</em> Codrin thought, working to maintain a neutral expression. For all their talk about staying away from manipulation and subtlety, there sure seemed to be plenty going around among the Artemisians. It was as Tycho said: they seemed to be working on some higher level, less comprehensible to em as a mere mortal. Ey supposed five thousand years of flying around through space would change how one engages with the world no matter what.</p>
<p><em>Sounds like a no, then,</em> Codrin thought, working to maintain a neutral expression. For all their talk about staying away from manipulation and subtlety, there sure seemed to be plenty going. It was as Tycho said: they seemed to be working on some higher level, less comprehensible to em as a mere mortal. Ey supposed five thousand years of flying around through space would change how one engages with the world no matter what.</p>
<p>&ldquo;And how about you two?&rdquo; ey said.</p>
<p>Turun Ko tilted its head far to the side. &ldquo;<em>Lubaenåtam?</em>&ldquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;Do you two have steps of your own?&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;You ask an interesting question,&rdquo; Artante said, sounding thoughtful. &ldquo;I want what&rsquo;s best, and with each passing conversation between delegations, the meaning of &lsquo;what&rsquo;s best&rsquo; shifts. I&rsquo;m sorry that I can&rsquo;t put it more clearly than that, though I can assure you that I consider us to be together in this; what&rsquo;s best for the Artemisians will also be what&rsquo;s best for you.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;You ask an interesting question,&rdquo; Artante said, sounding thoughtful. &ldquo;I want what&rsquo;s best, and with each passing conversation between delegations, the meaning of &lsquo;what&rsquo;s best&rsquo; shifts. I&rsquo;m sorry that I can&rsquo;t put it more clearly than that, though I can assure you that I consider us to be together in this: what&rsquo;s best for the Artemisians will also be what&rsquo;s best for you.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;And you, Turun Ko?&rdquo;</p>
<p>It straightened up, joints and synthetic flesh shifting smoothly in a well-articulated dance, as though it was running through some internal checklist to straighten and correct its posture. &ldquo;I want-desire stories. There is no combination of steps-items on our list that will not result-in-lead-to stories, so I will not be disappointed. I have received-learned many already, so I am content-happy-satisfied-fulfilled and will remain-continue-to-be so even if you become-turn-into the most exceptionally-stupendously boring-droll numbskulls-sad-sacks-dipshits in the visible-observable universe.&rdquo;</p>
<p>It straightened up, joints and synthetic flesh shifting smoothly in a well-articulated dance, as though it was running through some internal checklist to straighten and correct its posture. &ldquo;I want-desire stories. There is no combination of steps-items on our list that will not result-in-lead-to stories, so I will not be disappointed. I have received-learned many already, and I am content-happy-satisfied-fulfilled and will remain-continue-to-be so even if you become-turn-into the most exceptionally-stupendously boring-droll numbskulls-sad-sacks-dipshits in the visible-observable universe.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Codrin and Sarah both stared at the firstracer before laughing, joined by Artante. Even the fourthracer seemed taken aback by the sudden injection of humor.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I guess we have proven interesting, if nothing else,&rdquo; Sarah said.</p>
<p>&ldquo;<em>Anem,</em>&rdquo; Turun Ko confirmed, and the single word came out nearly a song.</p>
<p>There was a moment&rsquo;s silence. Comfortable. Warm. The six of them seemed content to bask and watch the shadows of leaves play on the wall. Ey was tired, ey realized. Dreadfully exhausted. The warmth of the sun, even standing up, seemed to be doing its best to lull em to sleep. Stolon also seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit, stretching languidly.</p>
<p>There was a moment&rsquo;s silence. Comfortable. Warm. The six of them seemed content to bask and watch the shadows of leaves play on the wall. Ey was tired, ey realized. Dreadfully exhausted. The warmth of the sun, even standing up, seemed to be doing its best to lull em to sleep. Stolon also seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit, stretching languidly, speaking lazily.</p>
<p>&ldquo;I am not worrying, though.&rdquo; They poked a torn bit of the leaf into their mouth and chewed thoughtfully before spitting it out with a choking sound. &ldquo;<em>Natarla&hellip;</em>&ldquo;</p>
<p>Laughing, Tycho said, &ldquo;Not so tasty?&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;<em>Nu, nu,</em>&rdquo; Stolon said, chattering their teeth again.</p>
<p>Codrin shook emself to wakefulness, rubbing at eir face with a hand. &ldquo;Why aren&rsquo;t you worried?&rdquo;</p>
<p>The thirdracer shrugged, tail flipping about in a wide arc as they rolled over onto their back, flexible enough to drape over the windowsill and sun their belly that way. &ldquo;Convergence is convergence. Is to be happy and safe, <em>ka?</em> Is for leaders and representatives. Scientist, am not worrying. Stars are not lying. Artemis is not lying. Physics is not lying. If you do not join Artemis, will, <em>lu</em>&hellip;think about? Will think about you, but good to be happy and safe, and science is not lying.&rdquo;</p>
<p>The thirdracer shrugged, tail flipping about in a wide arc as they rolled over onto their back, flexible enough to drape over the windowsill and sun their belly that way. &ldquo;Convergence is convergence. Is to be happy and safe, <em>anem?</em> Is for leaders and representatives. Scientist, am not worrying. Stars are not lying. Artemis is not lying. Physics is not lying. If you do not join Artemis, will, <em>lu</em>&hellip;think about? Will think about you, but good to be happy and safe, and science is not lying.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Throughout Stolon&rsquo;s short speech, Tycho sat up straighter, his grin growing wider. &ldquo;Yeah, I like that. Science is not lying. It can&rsquo;t, really, can it? Politics can lie, and maybe that&rsquo;s why I hate it so much.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;<em>Ka, ka.</em>&ldquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;And I&rsquo;d think about you too, if things go that direction. I honestly didn&rsquo;t really think about that being on the table until after the conference started and we began actually interacting with each other, and now I have to admit that I&rsquo;m really hoping it <em>does</em> work out. I like it here.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;And I&rsquo;d think about you too, if things go that direction. I honestly didn&rsquo;t really think about that being on the table until after the conference started and we began actually interacting with each other, and now I have to admit that I&rsquo;m really hoping it <em>does</em> work out. For us joining, I mean. I like it here.&rdquo;</p>
<p>The two scientists seemed to have fallen back into their own world, leaving the others to stand by and watch.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Two of a kind,&rdquo; ey heard Sarah murmur, and ey nodded, grinning along with her.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Is home, <em>anem.</em> I am liking it, but I am also only living here.&rdquo;</p>