update from sparkleup

This commit is contained in:
Madison Scott-Clary 2021-10-17 19:55:09 -07:00
parent 99ac9da5d1
commit 0bc4a79c2e
2 changed files with 13 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
<li class="done4"> <a href="launch/launch/Codrin-castor/006.html">Launch: launch-side: Codrin#Castor</a> - Interviews No Jonas, hints at how big an influence he and Odists (not just TN!) had on both phys/sys side after secession, anything to keep System growing - 2471</li>
<li class="done4"> <a href="secession/sys/True-Name/007.html">Secession: sys-side: True Name</a> - walks sims, thinking about what the System will look like after secession (doesn&rsquo;t share Yared&rsquo;s pessimism), how to keep it running, remembers conversation about birth laws in S-R Bloc, forks End Waking to investigate that, revealing that at some point, Jonas showed her how to manipulate reputation markets to make sure she could always fork. - 1378 Expand?</li>
<li class="done4"> <a href="launch/phys/Douglas/008.html">Launch: phys-side: Douglas</a> - Sabotage attempts, hinting that there are those phys-side who have also picked up patterns and really don&rsquo;t like System - 2802</li>
<li class="done2"> <a href="secession/phys/Yared/008.html">Secession: phys-side: Yared</a> - Sure enough, support rapidly swings sys-side, long conversation with TN/Jonas about what it means, starting to see how having his name on the amendment is diving people not just on the subject, but on him, starting to think about death, showing fear that he had at beginning - 2839</li>
<li class="done4"> <a href="secession/phys/Yared/008.html">Secession: phys-side: Yared</a> - Sure enough, support rapidly swings sys-side, long conversation with TN/Jonas about what it means, starting to see how having his name on the amendment is diving people not just on the subject, but on him, starting to think about death, showing fear that he had at beginning - 2839</li>
<li class="done3"> <a href="launch/sys/Ioan/010.html">Launch: sys-side: Ioan</a> - Ioan, getting really pissed at how Odists won&rsquo;t just answer eir fucking questions all the way and keep demurring at the last minute, interviews Jonas Prime, who has grown pessimistic, life wants to spread and multiply to make itself stronger, this is the root of the launch: offsite backups; thus why dreamer module was frowned upon: has broadcast w/ information about system, earth, interfacing, etc - 3375</li>
<li class="done3"> <a href="launch/launch/Codrin-pollux/007.html">Launch: launch-side: Codrin#Pollux</a> - Interviews Ne Jonas, humanity best viewed as a resource to be used or a crop to be tended by System - 2752</li>
<li class="done3"> <a href="launch/launch/Codrin-castor/007.html">Launch: launch-side: Codrin#Castor</a> - Interviews True Name for second time w/ more info, confronts for truth about the Odists&rsquo; role in post-secession, confirms, laughs down concerns. - 1717</li>

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@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
<p>There had been a logical procession to their thought process within their posts. It wasn&rsquo;t some sudden coin-flip, but over the course of the week, debates on the DDR-adjacent channels, where it didn&rsquo;t cost credits to post, suddenly swelled, and he&rsquo;d seen the light dawning in their eyes, such as they were, as they realized that the System&rsquo;s political landscape fundamentally differed from that phys-side, that it couldn&rsquo;t but differ, given the root functionality of the populous, of the reality that sims were the only way to live. It was a true anarchy. There was no ruling class because of what utility would there be for a ruling class when one could just split off and create one&rsquo;s own sim or set of sims, such that any attempt to rule from some central sim could simply be ignored as though it had never happened.</p>
<p>True Name and Jonas, now openly named, had been integral in helping convince him originally, and their words had played an enormous role through him to convince others. &ldquo;There are sims in which a strict monarchy rules,&rdquo; True Name had said. &ldquo;There are places governed by a theocracy. The Catholic church remains, albeit in reduced form without a bishopric, relying solely on adherents phys-side uploading all papal pronouncements, a near exact copy of the Vatican, where the phys-side popes and cardinals are represented by scrolling fields of text. Yet what influence could they hold on any other sim? What possible sway could they hold over anyone who did not subscribe anyway?&rdquo;</p>
<p>And so he dutifully passed these on under the tutelage of Jonas and True Name and Demma, and they, too, influenced the voices on the DDR.</p>
<p>But for the voices to swing so quickly bespoke influence beyond just him. It showed that he was not the only pawn, that many of these other strident voices that quickly changed their voices were under the control of the big players phys-side, and perhaps sys-side as well; why wouldn&rsquo;t True Name and Jonas be talking to other DDR junkies like himself?</p>
<p>But for the voices to swing so quickly bespoke influence beyond just him. It showed that he was not the only pawn, that many of these other strident voices that quickly changed their voices were under the control of the big players phys-side, and perhaps sys-side as well; after all, why wouldn&rsquo;t True Name and Jonas be talking to other DDR junkies like himself?</p>
<p>He was too afraid of them, now, to ask.</p>
<p>All he could do was sit by and watch, and pray that the secession amendment wasn&rsquo;t altered to include some equally slimy additions that would limit the total freedom granted by the secession.</p>
<p>Even there, he was lucky. The clauses about declaring war had been strengthened, the clauses about asylum seekers hardened with wording surrounding the impossibility of extradition and the acknowledgement that any such seeker would no longer have a tangible effect phys-side. In fact, the only provision that had felt sour was one to cut off communication with the System from suspected terrorist cells, but it had done little to dampen the feeling of success from the overall amendment, the overall referendum.</p>
<p>The only issue, in fact, was a personal one. All of these changes of the amendment had been made under his name. Others had convinced him to add them. Even when the sour change had been suggested, Demma had strongly suggested that it be included.</p>
<p>The end result was that his name was inextricably linked with the amendment, meaning that those who hated it &mdash; indeed, those who hated the entire referendum &mdash; began to hate him, too. They hated Yared Zerezghi specifically.</p>
<p>The end result was that his name was inextricably linked with the amendment. He was the sole author, meaning that those who hated it &mdash; indeed, those who hated the entire referendum &mdash; began to hate him, too. They hated Yared Zerezghi specifically.</p>
<p>And they hated with a passion.</p>
<p>His name had become a curse in their circles. He wasn&rsquo;t just the man who had introduced the amendment, he was the man who poisoned any hope of control over the System, that very System that they had declared a danger or a source of labor or a host to terrorism. He, Yared Zerezghi, was personally responsible for all that was wrong with the System.</p>
<p>When he mentioned how much he felt like a scapegoat to Demma and the pair sys-side, both had reassured him that that fervor would soon die down, and both had assured him that, as their names were also inextricably linked with the bill, they were feeling some of the same heat.</p>
<p>He wasn&rsquo;t sure that he believed them, though. Politics phys-side at the governmental level did not have the same level of personal hatred. At best, Councilor Demma might have some sort of parasocial relationship with his supporters and detractors, but at that point, he was still just a figurehead, an abstract concept of a person, and that concept was a stand-in for a power so far beyond the quotidian masses that it hardly mattered. At best, True Name and Jonas were as intricately linked to the very same anarchy that ruled the rest of the System. Their role &mdash; indeed the role of the entire Council of Eight &mdash; was one of guiding the System in the form of its core functionality, interfacing with phys-side on behalf of those sys-side, rather than interfacing solely with those sys-side.</p>
<p>And so Yared kept taking his walks, kept eating spicy food and getting drunk on tej, to shed what he could of that slippery, slimy feeling that still clung to him whenever he thought too hard about his position in all of this.</p>
<p>He had become a hero and a villain for this, though, and there was no shaking that.</p>
<p>He had become a hero and a villain for this, though, and there was no shaking that off.</p>
<p><strong>The Only Time I Know My True Name Is When I Dream:</strong> What can we do to soothe your worries, Yared, except tell you that your vision is becoming reality?</p>
<p><strong>Yared Zerezghi:</strong> I don&rsquo;t know, really. Probably nothing. There&rsquo;s nothing really to be done when no one else will put their name on the amendment. I feel like it might be an intentional move by Demma and others to ensure that there is someone they can put the blame on who has an actual human face.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> That may well be true, actually. If I were still working phys-side and needed to influence a referendum from the DDR, I&rsquo;d probably do the same.</p>
<p><strong>Ar Jonas:</strong> That may well be true, actually. If I were still working phys-side and needed to influence a referendum from the DDR, I&rsquo;d probably do the same.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Is there anything I can do about it?</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> Nope! You&rsquo;re stuck with it, my friend, and for that I&rsquo;m eternally sorry. The best you can hope is that everyone will forget about you, and the best you can do to ensure that is to become a loud voice on other issues, hopefully ones that a lot of people agree with, so that you simply become &ldquo;the loud voice&rdquo; instead of &ldquo;the secession guy&rdquo;. This is turning into the largest issue the DDR has ever voted on, though, so it&rsquo;s going to take a lot of that hollering to drown your voice out.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> And even then, because your name is on it, that is likely what you will go down in the history books for.</p>
@ -85,21 +85,21 @@
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> Unless she punches you in the kidney.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Hahaha. I stand by my assessment that you two sound fun to hang out with.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Skunk, though. You can change how you look that drastically up there?</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> In theory. I do not know of anyone who has actually managed to do so.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> I am a special case due to some psychological/neurological damage from getting lost. Those up here who are furries are those who so strongly identified with their furry selves on the &lsquo;net that they began to think of their human selves as as the avatars and their furry selves as the real versions.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> In theory. I know of few who have actually managed to do so, though that is rapidly changing with forking.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> I am a special case due to some psychological/neurological damage from getting lost. Those up here who are furries and look it are those who so strongly identified with their furry selves on the &lsquo;net that they began to think of their human selves as as the avatars and their furry selves as the real versions.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> The reason I got around it is that Michelle&rsquo;s neurological issues meant that she oscillated between her human self and furry self, and I just happened to be forked during a wave of her furry self. That also meant that I (and each of her forks) lack the effects of that damage.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> Or most of it, at least. You have mentioned the speech patterns before.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Yikes, that sounds kind of horrifying.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> It was. I still remember it. I remember how terrible I felt due to the constant oscillation that only settled down when I focused completely or utterly relaxed. Were I able to choose at will, I do not think that this would have been a problem, and you would likely have been talking to me as Michelle Hadje, not as True Name.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Well, I&rsquo;m happy for you, even if that makes me sad for Michelle.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> She is spending her retirement relaxing, so there is little need.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> She is spending her retirement relaxing, so there is little need to feel sorry.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> Is there anything else you&rsquo;re looking forward to, Yared?</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> I suppose just getting away from the DDR. I don&rsquo;t think I could manage to just drop it out here, as there&rsquo;s not really anything else I&rsquo;m interested in enough to replace it.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Up there, though, I&rsquo;d be forced to do something else, and that&rsquo;d really keep me from getting so anxious about everything.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> Makes sense. What sorts of things do you think you&rsquo;d go for?</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> I like food, I guess. I like walking. When I&rsquo;m not really around here, I&rsquo;m sleeping, eating, or walking. I&rsquo;ve never had the chance to really go for a hike anywhere that isn&rsquo;t still in Ethiopia, but I imagine there&rsquo;s places like the Alps or Himalayas that are delightfully cool.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> There are, yes. Plenty.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> A lot of the earliest sims were based around nature, actually. It&rsquo;s as if people immediately wanted to reach for places that they loved phys-side.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> A lot of the earliest sims were based around nature. It&rsquo;s as if people immediately wanted to reach for places that they loved phys-side.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> Or to counteract the thought that they now live in a computer.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> True Name, naturally, takes the pessimistic approach.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> To turn it around, what do you both like best up there?</p>
@ -111,21 +111,21 @@
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> Oh! And alcohol. No liver disease, and also you can choose when to sober up.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Oh damn, that&rsquo;s awesome. I like wine well enough, but being drunk is mostly escapism. If I could find that fun balance with friends, that&rsquo;d be nice.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> You can&rsquo;t phys-side?</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> If I had any local friends, maybe!</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> If I had any local friends, maybe.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> Ouch. Well, you have friends up here, and we would gladly take you to bars good and bad.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> As for me, I love all of the variety in sims and people. When I am not working or sleeping, I will walk the public sims, jumping from one to another when I have had my fill of them.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> That sounds nice. I&rsquo;ve only traveled a few times, and still within Ethiopia. There&rsquo;s different climates and such, but only so much.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> That sounds nice. I&rsquo;ve only traveled a few times. In Ethiopia, there&rsquo;s different climates and such, but only so much.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> I will take you walking with me, then.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> And I&rsquo;ll be a slimy politician with you!</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Ugh, you&rsquo;re the worst.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> Anyway, thanks for letting me vent and lifting my spirits.</p>
<p><strong>Yared:</strong> I needed it.</p>
<p><strong>Jonas:</strong> Of course, Yared.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> And please remember, uploading is always an option, and we would welcome you with open arms. I know that you will come join us, anyway, sooner or later.</p>
<p><strong>True Name:</strong> And please remember, uploading is always an option. We would welcome you with open arms. I know that you will come join us, anyway, sooner or later.</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-10-13</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-10-17</p>
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