diff --git a/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/009.html b/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/009.html index a8f1bc5b5..590acb7cb 100644 --- a/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/009.html +++ b/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/009.html @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

Ioan Bălan — 2346

Convergence T-0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes (transmission delay: 7.23 days)
Convergence T-1 day, 0 hours, 11 minutes (transmission delay: 7.23 days)

Ioan#98ae38dc arrived at the appointed coffee shop a good hour in advance. The meeting had been eir idea, but it had also been eir primary source of stress during the day prior to it.

diff --git a/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/011.html b/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/011.html index 81465d62c..92a119835 100644 --- a/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/011.html +++ b/writing/post-self/neviim/ioan/011.html @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

Ioan Bălan — 2346

Convergence T-0 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes
Convergence T-2 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes


diff --git a/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/010.html b/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/010.html index 764d33285..6b2b75963 100644 --- a/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/010.html +++ b/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/010.html @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

Codrin Bălan#Castor — 2346

Convergence T-0 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes
Convergence T-1 day, 2 hours, 2 minutes

“To begin with an example concept, I have noticed that your common language is very irregular and relies heavily on a small vocabulary and nominal compounding,” Why Ask Questions said. “As we classify our languages into families based on several factors, including compounding, can each of the races expand on various features of their languages?”

diff --git a/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/011.html b/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/011.html index 0c7ca71c1..294e39827 100644 --- a/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/011.html +++ b/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/011.html @@ -12,8 +12,11 @@

Zk | 011


Codrin Bălan#Artemis — 2346


Despite the excitement, the talks remained surprisingly banal. Even when the topic of the Odists’ deception and the troubles that True Name#Emissary still suffered on Artemis, the talks still felt like a political summit. The conference was still a conference, with its cloth-covered table and shitty pens, its uncomfortable chairs and weary participants.


Codrin Bălan#Castor — 2346

Convergence T-0 days, 2 hours, 53 minutes
+ +

Despite the excitement, the talks remained surprisingly banal. Even when the topic of the Odists’ deception and the troubles that True Name#Artemis still suffered on Artemis, the talks still felt like a political summit. The conference was still a conference, with its cloth-covered table and shitty pens, its uncomfortable chairs and weary participants.

Ey counted emself among the weariest of them all. Tycho was still in his stride, and Sarah was keeping up well enough, though she remained fairly quiet throughout, focusing on watching rather than speaking or taking notes. Why Ask Questions had proceeded as though the news had never happened, continuing on in her litany of questions around biology and linguistics. In fact, the only one more tired seemed to be True Name.

There was a tension around the skunk’s eyes, a tightness to the face that ever so slightly drew her lips back. Even when she smiled, her expression remained fixed and rigid.

It made sense, after all. Acting in the capacity of leader was more than just overseeing the talks, it meant wrangling every conversation, and still managing to keep up her own side of it. Beyond even that, the skunk had been drawn into several conversations alone with Turun Ka over the final hours of the third day, well into the night. Ey hadn’t expected the conference to include anyone but the entirety of both the parties, so ey wasn’t quite sure what to make of this, but none of the other Artemisians seemed unnerved by the leaders stepping aside in half-hour increments to hold what appeared to be — at least from True Name’s expressions — in-depth conversations about very serious topics.

@@ -24,8 +27,8 @@

Why had they divided the subjects between the locations? ey wondered for the dozenth time. I’m sure that every one of us wants nothing more than to ask about the history of their trip, just as I’m sure that there are topics surrounding science that those on Artemis would love to ask about.

It seemed such a strange limitation to put on talks such as these. Why divide them by subject when the participants were identical? Were there deeper reasons beneath this? Was there a logic to having the discussions of science on Castor as opposed to on Artemis? Was it so that the less-advanced Castor would still benefit from the science and Artemis from culture if the talks went pear-shaped?

Questions such as these littered the verso pages of eir notebook, the recto pages reserved for notes about the topic at hand. Ey’d sent dozens of those questions over to Artemis already; it certainly didn’t seem as though this was the place to ask them.


Answers had been sparse. The responses had invariably been “it is not the time for that conversation”. At least the most recent note from Codrin#Emissary — running at nearly three pages — had explained the use of that sentence, as well as so much else. Checklists and goals, indeed.


It had also contained a more detailed account of Answers Will Not Help’s breakdown and quitting, as well as the extended interactions with True Name that Codrin#Emissary had been having.


Answers had been sparse. The responses had invariably been “it is not the time for that conversation”. At least the most recent note from Codrin#Artemis — running at nearly three pages — had explained the use of that sentence, as well as so much else. Checklists and goals, indeed.


It had also contained a more detailed account of Answers Will Not Help’s breakdown and quitting, as well as the extended interactions with True Name that Codrin#Artemis had been having.

“I hate to do this to you,” ey had written, clade-eyes only. “But I simply cannot overstate just how dramatic and anxiety-inducing the whole event was, and I mean this in the most literal way possible. There are things that I cannot tell you. I cannot put them into words, and I certainly cannot set them to paper. It is overwhelming. The import is crushing. I feel like I’m going to burst and there’s nothing I can do or say about it, and the only reason I’m describing it like this is that I can’t be the only one who knows this, even if only at one layer of remove. You will remember soon enough, I think, but until then, I just need to offload some of the pressure.”

Ey had no idea what to do with this information, other than to accept a share in that load.

With questions running thin and the table plagued by awkward silences, it was almost a relief when Turun Ka requested that it and True Name discuss sentiment shaping surrounding the arrival of Artemis, leaving the others to have a conversation of their own or not as they wished. There was no audible communication suggesting such, but it seemed implied whenever this happened that Codrin and Turun Ko would be left ‘in charge’ of their respective delegations, if there was such a thing.

@@ -92,7 +95,7 @@

Ey watched as the skunk’s eyes widened, gaze darting between em, Turun Ka, and the book in Turun Ko’s hands, now about half-finished. She sat down heavily on the chair and sagged against the back. “Well, fuck me.”


Page generated on 2022-01-12


Page generated on 2022-01-16