update from sparkleup

This commit is contained in:
Madison Scott-Clary 2021-10-17 19:45:10 -07:00
parent f77278fcea
commit 533d898c5d
1 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Can confirm: not healthy.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Well, fucking upload already.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> We can go out for drinks and build up your tolerance again, or you can go walk some place that has a horizon. Ioan took me on a hike a while back, we can take you there.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Before long. Probably within the year, actually.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Before long. A few months, probably, so that I can finish things up here.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> !!!</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Good! Excellent! I will look forward to the day.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> I&rsquo;ll keep you apprised, then. Where&rsquo;s Ioan today?</p>
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Like me, huh?</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> You said it, not me.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Anyway, I messaged you to ask you about something that you have mentioned a few times so far. Do you have it in you to answer some questions?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Sure, why not. My first meeting is in the afternoon, tomorrow, and it&rsquo;s just a weekly safety briefing. Talk my ear off! I could use the distraction.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Sure, why not. My first meeting is in the afternoon, tomorrow, and it&rsquo;s just a weekly safety briefing. Talk my ear off, I could use the distraction.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Yes, you certainly could.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> You mentioned that there had been sabotage attempts. We were surprised when we heard that initially, but it had been in the middle of some other conversations that we did not want to derail, so we have been holding onto it until a time when there was not much else going on. Can you tell us about those?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Oh, sure.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> There were two big ones and one small one. You heard the small one, which was that tech knocking me off the edge of the torus. The other techs out there with us tackled him and tied him up in his own tether to bring him back into the station. One of them suggested just ripping off his suit there, but it was a reaction out of anger, and it&rsquo;s hard to stay angry out in space when you&rsquo;re all terrified of dying anyway, so they did the right thing.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> There were two big ones and one small one. You heard the small one, which was that tech knocking me off the edge of the torus. The other techs out there with us tackled him and tied him up in his own tether to bring him back into the station. One of them suggested just ripping off his suit then and there, but thatwas a reaction out of anger, and it&rsquo;s hard to stay angry out in space when you&rsquo;re all terrified of dying anyway, so they did theright thing.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> He was brought inside, taped to a chair (there used to be a security station with a cell for when the torus was a hotel, but it was repurposed at some point), and then confined to quarters until the next shuttle could come pick him up.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> How did he even get in there to begin with?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> As far as I could tell, just lying really well, or perhaps it really was just a spur of the moment act as he argued in court. It was his second EVA, so there wasn&rsquo;t exactly much time to suss out if there was anything up with him.</p>
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Why? Aren&rsquo;t you kind of in that state right now?</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> When you upload, you will see how the comparison fails. But it is terrifying because I am old enough to remember the lost.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> That virus or whatever that was getting people stuck in the &lsquo;net? Didn&rsquo;t that hit Michelle?</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Yes. Remember when I talked about how she had 80% bad days? That is why.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Yes. Remember when I talked about how 80% her days were bad days? That is why.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Oh, shit. Yeah, I can see how that&rsquo;d be terrifying, then.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> On to brighter subjects, then. You mentioned bigger sabotage attempts.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Much brighter.</p>
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> It was all hushed up by security (brought back up after my little incident on EVA). I wasn&rsquo;t allowed to tell you after the NDA. Sorry, May Then My Name.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Did they give you a reason for keeping it from us?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> They said it had political undertones because of the articles of secession. &ldquo;No other governmental entity shall declare war on or attempt to destroy the System.&rdquo;</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> They considered it an act of war?</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> They worried it might be considered it an act of war?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> I guess so. If it was an act of war, then the System could retaliate. I&rsquo;m sure they told someone over there who needed to know</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Then why are you telling me now?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Well, our conversations are off the record, now. Besides, if I&rsquo;m going to upload soon, it&rsquo;s also relevant to me in the same way it is to you.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Well, alright. How were they caught?</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> It is, at that. How were they caught?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> That&rsquo;s the weird thing. They turned themselves in. The cloth bomb had been in place for about a month, I guess, and they grew a conscience in that time, so they defused the bomb, brought security over, admitted to what they&rsquo;d done, and let themself be sent back planet-side.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Which actually brings me to the other big sabotage attempt. Apparently, they were working with a collective who were really unhappy with the launch overall, so there was also a suicide bombing at a launch facility during a tour which I guess was intended to take out the control room before it could be used for the next supply run.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Which actually brings me to the other big sabotage attempt. Apparently, they were working with a collective who were really unhappy with the launch overall, so there was also a suicide bombing at a launch facility during a tour which was intended to take out the control room before it could be used for the next supply run.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Cloth bomber struck a deal with the government for a lighter sentence (probably like my attacker received) for acting as an informant and ratting out the organization before the rest of the planned bombings could take place.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Less immediately threatening to us, but still, that is terrible. Do you know why this collective (is this like an interest group, or is there a deeper meaning?) felt so strongly against Launch?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Yes, a collective is a group of people who have decided to lose as much of their unique identity as they can to live as singular facets of a shared identity.</p>
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> de, on the launch commission, is a member of a much more liberal collective. Still will never upload, but really seems to take pride in their job.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> So I think it was some of that hatred that was at play. They hated the lack of control that is inherent in the System. They hated all that went into Secession, how it made the System a political entity. They hated Launch because, by phys-side collaborating with sys-side, it was a sign that we were equals. They felt that the System has been interfering with phys-side politics ever since Secession. They hated the System for lots of reasons.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Do a lot of people phys-side think that the System is interfering with politics?</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Not really, no. There was a kerfuffle around it when uploading was incentivized that essentially no one remembers except for boring people like me who had to study it. There have been a few gripes here and there as other large political changes happened, like when governments merged or recessions hit. When things like that happen, I think a lot of people instinctively look for a boogeyman to pin it on, and the System is pretty convenient because it&rsquo;s not like you all can fight back, so you all turn into shadowy figures behind the politicians.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Not really, no. We learned in grad school that there was a kerfuffle around it when uploading was incentivized that essentially no one remembers except for boring people like me who had to study it. There have been a few gripes here and there as other large political changes happened, like when governments merged or recessions hit. When things like that happen, I think a lot of people instinctively look for a boogeyman to pin it on, and the System is pretty convenient because it&rsquo;s not like you all can fight back, so you all turn into shadowy figures behind the politicians.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Oh, that bit is definitely true.</p>
<p><strong>Douglas:</strong> Yeah, figured as much. You all up there steepling your fingers and talking in hushed tones about how you&rsquo;re going to do everything from crash the economy to hire Michelle Hadje&rsquo;s distant ancestor specifically to work on your nefarious plot.</p>
<p><strong>May Then My Name:</strong> Yep, got it in one.</p>
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
<p><em>One more walk around the station,</em> he thought. <em>Then I&rsquo;ll get to bed. January can&rsquo;t come soon enough.</em></p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-10-13</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-10-17</p>
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