update from sparkleup

This commit is contained in:
Madison Scott-Clary 2020-06-11 12:00:10 -07:00
parent 1b92fd6b7a
commit 65935d0379
2 changed files with 127 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -452,9 +452,132 @@ Do I pass it off
Do I take it back
from you by force
when I laugh?</div>
<hr />
<h2 id="prima-materia">Prima materia</h2>
<p><q class="comment">Not good enough for basically anything, as it stands (Makyo 2020-06-08)</q></p>
<h3 id="calcination">Calcination</h3>
<div class="verse">They say the fire cleanses
That it purifies.
Then, cool fire, soft fire,
Cleanse and purify me.
Blanket my shoulders
And sing me to sleep.
Sing the fox to sleep
And let her rest
Content in the work she has done
And the lives she has touched.
They say the fire cleanses
That it purifies.
Then, cool fire, soft fire,
Sing me to sleep.</div>
<h3 id="dissolution">Dissolution</h3>
<div class="verse">Sweet as honey, spiced with time,
You were me, and I you.
Aged to perfection, mellowed with the years,
I bless your memory.
You who were me,
I lay you aside to rest.
To over-age is to spoil,
And you are not spoiled.
Sweet mead to dance on the tongue,
Soft fox to dance through time.
Sweet as honey, spiced with time,
You were me, and I you.
Aged to perfection, mellowed with the years,
You are at your finest.</div>
<h3 id="separation">Separation</h3>
<div class="verse">With your sigil,
I draw you from my heart.
With your name,
I consign you to memory.
With your words,
I draw you from my breath
With your voice,
I sing you to peaceful sleep,
Ever soft and white in winter,
Ever svelte and gray in summer.
With your sigil,
I draw you from my heart.
With your name,
I commit you to dearest memory.</div>
<h3 id="conjugation">Conjugation</h3>
<div class="verse">I dedicate my life
To the memory of you:
Long passed though you may be,
That memory will burn fiercely.
To the east, I wash with air,
That the wind be with you.
To the South, I wash with fire,
That the sun warm your fur.
To the West, I wash with water,
That the stream be cool beneath your paws.
To the north, I wash with earth,
That your den may blossom in spring.
I dedicate my life
To the memory of you.</div>
<h3 id="fermentation">Fermentation</h3>
<div class="verse">Feed, dear fox eat,
For the meal was prepared by you.
I bless this meal
That you be sustained by your work.
Feed, dear cat, eat,
Sup of the love that was left for you.
I bless this meal,
That we may learn the lessons of the fox,
For she has prepared this for you:
Bread for beginnings, mead for endings.
Feed, dear cat, eat,
For the meal was prepared for you.
I bless this meal
That you be sustained by her work.</div>
<h3 id="distillation">Distillation</h3>
<div class="verse">“We are not so different, you and I,”
Said the cat to the fox.
“We come from the same essence,
Two vintages from the same vineyard.”
“Our fur is soft and thick, true,”
Said the fox to the cat.
“We are hardy, and weather cold.
We travel, hunt, and survive,
But my time is passed and yours begun.
Go with my blessing.”
“We are not so different, you and I,”
Said the cat to the fox.
“We come from the same essence,
Two children of the same eternal mother.”</div>
<h3 id="coagulation">Coagulation</h3>
<div class="verse">Step forth, Uncia, hale and whole,
For you are truly born this day.
Alopex has gone to sleep and rest,
Dancing now only in dreams and stories.
See the world with new eyes,
For all this is yours.
Smell the air, taste bread and cool water.
Feel the earth beneath your paws.
Know the limits of your body,
And remember always this pain.
Step forth, Uncia, hale whole,
For you are truly born this day.
Alopex has gone to sleep and rest,
Dancing now only at need.</div>
<h3 id="anima-mundi">Anima mundi</h3>
<div class="verse">Out of the flames, into the light,
I rise, Makyo Uncia called Maddy.
Makyo Alopex sleeps now,
A fetch to call at need.
Non sum qualis eram,
I am not who I was.
Ranna, Astarael, Alopex,
Majo, Younes, Happenstance.
When viewed through the lens of Makyo,
I am my own magnum opus.
Out of the flames, into the light,
I rise, Makyo Uncia called Maddy.
Makyo Alopex sleeps now,
Not forever, but for now.</div>
<p>Page generated on 2020-06-06</p>
<p>Page generated on 2020-06-11</p>

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Incontestible,
Unmoving and always changing.</div>
<hr />
<h2 id="overflowing-with-words">Overflowing with words</h2>
<p><q class="comment">In <em>ally</em></q></p>
<p><q class="comment">Parts in <em>ally</em></q></p>
.speak {
line-height: 0.3;
@ -189,40 +189,8 @@ Pin me to perception
Loose me amid fractal walls.
Let successive numbers claim me
or me claim them.</div>
<hr />
<h2 id="prima-materia">Prima materia</h2>
<p><q class="comment">Not good enough for basically anything, as it stands (Makyo 2020-06-08)</q></p>
<h3 id="calcination">Calcination</h3>
<div class="verse">They say the fire cleanses
That it purifies.
Then, cool fire, soft fire,
Cleanse and purify me.
Blanket my shoulders
And sing me to sleep.
Sing the fox to sleep
And let her rest
Content in the work she has done
And the lives she has touched.
They say the fire cleanses
That it purifies.
Then, cool fire, soft fire,
Sing me to sleep.</div>
<h3 id="dissolution">Dissolution</h3>
<div class="verse">Sweet as honey, spiced with time,
You were me, and I you.
Aged to perfection, mellowed with the years,
I bless your memory.
You who were me,
I lay you aside to rest.
To over-age is to spoil,
And you are not spoiled.
Sweet mead to dance on the tongue,
Soft fox to dance through time.
Sweet as honey, spiced with time,
You were me, and I you.
Aged to perfection, mellowed with the years,
You are at your finest.</div>
<h2 id="liminality">Liminality</h2>
<p><q class="comment">In <em>Eigengrau</em></q></p>
<div class="verse">A year starts not on January first.
The days may hunder but the seasons speak
of time&rsquo;s long march, of fast time, slow time. Thirst
@ -238,6 +206,7 @@ from us the liminality, embroil
Come sit with me, come stay with me inside
this place between where strange new loves abide</div>
<h2 id="ode-to-the-end-of-death">Ode to the end of death</h2>
<p><q class="comment">In <em>Qoheleth</em></q></p>
<div class="verse">I am at a loss for images in this end of days:
I have sight but cannot see.
I build my castle out of words;