diff --git a/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/004.html b/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/004.html index 83bc645ad..a881d5876 100644 --- a/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/004.html +++ b/writing/post-self/neviim/local/codrin/004.html @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

Codrin Bălan — 2346


Ey was not sure what ey expected out of a dinner in the middle of a clearing beneath the stars, but ey immediately found it pleasant. A round table had been set up atop the hill on which ey had interviewed Tycho so many years ago, along with six chairs evenly spaced around it. The whole table was lit by a single candle burning in the center and the starlight from above.


Ey was not sure what ey expected out of a dinner in the middle of a clearing beneath the stars, but ey immediately found it charming. A round table had been set up atop the hill on which ey had interviewed Tycho so many years ago, along with six chairs evenly spaced around it. The whole table was lit by a single candle burning in the center and the starlight from above.

True Name greeted eir party of three with a bow when they entered the sim. “Mx. Bălan, Dear, wonderful to see you two again. Ms. Genet, a pleasure to meet you.”

The three bowed politely in turn. While the dark was pleasant, ey wished for at least light enough to see her expression, as well as to see Dear’s. As far as ey knew, the fox hadn’t seen the skunk in least two decades, not since their death day party.

“Nice to meet you too, The Only Time I Know My True Name Is When I Dream,” Sarah said.

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@

“No more shop talk until dessert,” Why Ask Questions added. “Or I will have Tycho bounce you from the sim. There is lasagna, and I will not have you spoiling that.”