update from sparkleup

This commit is contained in:
Madison Scott-Clary 2021-11-17 22:45:10 -08:00
parent 3ca3316056
commit 8f44fb1a9f
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<p><strong>Jinzai:</strong> [long pause] I mean, I said that I wasn&rsquo;t really seeing my kids much back then, and I guess that was true enough. I got to see them two or three times a year when I got rotated between crops and had a few weeks of leave. But like&hellip;man. I love them. I love them so much. I love them and I miss them every day, just like I loved them and missed them every day back phys-side. I regret&hellip;ah, hell. [long pause] I regret that even though they didn&rsquo;t really know me all that well, that they&rsquo;ll never get to know me at all, now, and all I&rsquo;ll have are these memories and&ndash; [long pause] and the only way I&rsquo;ll ever get to see them again is if they upload and, like, as a dad, I&rsquo;m not sure that I really want them to. I know it&rsquo;s perfect and all, or at least can be, but I&rsquo;m not sure I want them to feel like they need to upload to get away from a shit life, and I definitely don&rsquo;t want them to feel like they need to upload just to see me again.</p>
<hr />
<p>Ioan didn&rsquo;t know quite what it was about the latest messages from the launches that was was nagging at em so much. It wasn&rsquo;t that either of the Codrins were sending back anything that was particularly surprising. Sure, the Odists had been a big part of Secession, but ey knew that, hadn&rsquo;t ey? They dealt with propaganda and speeches and politics, so they must have been, right? That&rsquo;s what was needed for something like seceding from the rest of the governments on earth, right?</p>
<p>Ioan didn&rsquo;t know quite what it was about the latest messages from the launches that was nagging at em so much. It wasn&rsquo;t that either of the Codrins were sending back anything that was particularly surprising. Sure, the Odists had been a big part of Secession, but ey knew that, hadn&rsquo;t ey? They dealt with propaganda and speeches and politics, so they must have been, right? That&rsquo;s what was needed for something like seceding from the rest of the governments on earth, right?</p>
<p>It wasn&rsquo;t the more personal notes that ey&rsquo;d gotten, expressing how life was going out on the LVs, all of the ways in which it was exactly the same, except for some key difference in sentiment. Those on the LVs felt like they were going on a journey, and those who remained at the L<sub>5</sub> System felt like they weren&rsquo;t, so there was an entirely different feeling between two societies that were otherwise identical.</p>
<p><em>Three</em> societies, for it was obvious that Castor and Pollux were diverging rapidly without strict contact with each other or the System.</p>
<p>And it wasn&rsquo;t that, either. Ey had known from the very start that the systems on the LVs would diverge from each other as soon as they were launched. Nothing about that was weighing on em, and it was turning out to be precisely as interesting as ey had expected that it would be.</p>
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<p><strong>Ioan Bălan:</strong> What was the most disappointing thing that happened or that you saw after uploading?</p>
<p><strong>Rosemary Seeley:</strong> I think just how lonely it was at first.</p>
<p><strong>Ioan:</strong> Can you expand on that?</p>
<p><strong>Rosemary:</strong> I mean, when you first upload, you&rsquo;re kinda dumped into a set of common areas until you figure out where you&rsquo;re going to stay or whatever. You can meet up with family members if you have them &mdash; I didn&rsquo;t &mdash; or you can meet up with those of a similar culture or religion &mdash; I&rsquo;m from the middle of the blandest town on the planet and don&rsquo;t hold to any religion &mdash; or maybe you can meet up with others base around a similar interest. Thing is, I&rsquo;m really interested in just cooking and chatting and reading.</p>
<p><strong>Rosemary:</strong> I mean, when you first upload, you&rsquo;re kinda dumped into a set of common areas until you figure out where you&rsquo;re going to stay or whatever. You can meet up with family members if you have them &mdash; I didn&rsquo;t &mdash; or you can meet up with those of a similar culture or religion &mdash; I&rsquo;m from the middle of the blandest town on the planet and don&rsquo;t hold to any religion &mdash; or maybe you can meet up with others based around a similar interest. Thing is, I&rsquo;m really interested in just cooking and chatting and reading.</p>
<p><strong>Ioan:</strong> Were you able to find any groups for cooking or reading?</p>
<p><strong>Rosemary:</strong> Not at first, which I think is what made it feel so isolating. People talk about System Freeze, and I can guarantee you it&rsquo;s real. [laughter]</p>
<p><strong>Ioan:</strong> How would you describe System Freeze?</p>
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
<p>And so ey went home, back to work on the project, back to receive more updates from the Codrins and the LVs. Back to sit in front of an empty page, considering what it meant that they felt caught up in some storm, some vortex that ey could not see except that the occasional landmark would pass through their field of view, once every two hundred years. Back to sit with May and at least feel comfortable with someone, even if that someone was starting to feel, for some reason ey could not fully understand, as though they were part of that very vortex.</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-10-17</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-11-17</p>
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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<p>I asked, &ldquo;How does that work, anyway? Do you feel like a human except in a different shape?&rdquo;</p>
<p>Her response was a while in coming. &ldquo;Yes and no. I look different, to be sure. Anyone who has seen a furry can probably imagine what that means. My av on the &lsquo;net allowed me some sensation of that, in that I was provided with a vague sense of touch on my tail, and the sensation of my ears had been moved higher up on my head to approximate the location where the ears of [my species] are located. Having a muzzle worked well enough. Here, though, the proprioception is complete in a way that an avatar could not hope to be. It made the avatar feel more like a set of clothes and a mask than it did an actual form. Here, it is my form. It made my avatar feel almost cartoonish, with the standard fur patterns a bit too exact and the claws on my fingers nearly identical. Here it can be &mdash; must be &mdash; as detailed as I would like. My claws wear at different rates, fur colors mingle organically. That is a sign of aposematism, did you know that? It is a warning to those who would attack to stay away. I could even smell like my species, should I choose, though I have not.&rdquo;</p>
<p>John said, &ldquo;Confirmed. She smells like flowers.&rdquo;</p>
<p>I asked, &ldquo;Why did you chose that form?&rdquo;</p>
<p>I asked, &ldquo;Why did you choose that form?&rdquo;</p>
<p>She said, &ldquo;Because I wanted to and I could. It is what I am used to from my time before uploading. I think that I originally chose it for that concept of aposematism. I had probably gone through a bad breakup and was looking for something that said, &ldquo;Stay away, I am independent.&rdquo; I had terrible luck with relationships.&rdquo;</p>
<p>John said, &ldquo;She&rsquo;s more independent than is good for her, sometimes.&rdquo;</p>
<p>As this was the point in the conversation that I figured I might include it in a post, I guided it toward the topic at hand, saying, &ldquo;Is that why you&rsquo;re so interested in individual rights?&rdquo;</p>
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<p>He just knew that he needed something spicy to eat and at least two glasses of wine.</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-11-06</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-11-17</p>
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