update from sparkleup

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Madison Scott-Clary 2022-07-21 21:55:21 -07:00
parent a4d974b16c
commit a7a34b3626
2 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
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<p>Ioan awoke, arms empty, asleep on eir front. Ey was not a front-sleeper, so this came with a stiff neck that ey knew would dog em throughout the rest of the day.</p>
<p>At some point during the night, May had apparently slid as carefully as she could from eir arms, bundled herself up in a second set of covers, and curled up at the far edge of the mattress, a muffled sniffle showing her to be awake.</p>
<p>At some point during the night, May had apparently slid as carefully as she could from eir arms, bundled herself up in a second set of covers, and curled up at the far edge of the mattress. A muffled sniffle showed her to be awake.</p>
<p>&ldquo;You okay, May?&rdquo; ey asked, sitting up beside her.</p>
<p>She shook her head.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Alright. Can I hug?&rdquo;</p>
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<p>While waiting, ey pinged Douglas to let him know what was going on and to request a spot to sleep. After a moment&rsquo;s hesitation, ey sent End Waking a quick message, as well. Ey received simple acknowledgements from both.</p>
<p>Ey doctored the skunk&rsquo;s coffee to her liking and returned to the room to set it down on the bedside table closest to her, taking a cue from True Name and moving noisily enough that she&rsquo;d know ey was there without being obnoxiously loud.</p>
<p>A moment&rsquo;s thought was spent on shifting the weather in the sim to something warmer, more springlike. Ey&rsquo;d heard enough kvetching about the snow the last few days to figure that might help as well.</p>
<p>From there, ey spent an hour queuing up some meals for her, working in a cone of silence. Things that she&rsquo;d mentioned as comfort foods in the past, all things that ey could cook emself or create in-sim through something acquired on the exchange. Chicken soup, mashed potatoes, more poor-skunk&rsquo;s-risotto.</p>
<p>While ey was prepping an stocking the food, another thought occurred to em. It was unlikely, but True Name might need to come back to the house, either to create more goods or to sleep or just to get out of the elements. To keep this from bothering May while she took the time she needed, ey shifted the ACLs of the house to be owner-only, so that those trying to enter would have to specifically request access, then stepped just inside the other bedroom&rsquo;s door and dug a new entry-point for True Name so that she could go just to the bedroom without entering the rest of the house.</p>
<p>From there, ey spent half an hour queuing up some meals for her, working in a cone of silence. Things that she&rsquo;d mentioned as comfort foods in the past, all things that ey could cook emself or create in-sim through something acquired on the exchange. Chicken soup, mashed potatoes, more poor-skunk&rsquo;s-risotto.</p>
<p>While ey was prepping and stocking the food, another thought occurred to em. It was unlikely, but True Name might need to come back to the house, either to create more goods or to sleep or just to get out of the elements. To keep this from bothering May while she took the time she needed, ey shifted the ACLs of the house to be owner-only, so that those trying to enter would have to specifically request access, then stepped just inside the other bedroom&rsquo;s door and created a new entry-point for True Name so that she could go just to the bedroom without entering the rest of the house.</p>
<p>True Name sent a curt ping of acknowledgement when ey sent the information over via sensorium message.</p>
<p>Ey tried not to let it rankle. Everything felt so confined and restricted. So much of eir circle of friends was out in the world and so few of them came over with any frequency that to suddenly have even those ey was closest to &mdash; romantically in the case of May, and by friendship and sheer proximity in the case of True Name &mdash; requesting eir absence felt like ey was being cut off from everyone.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Which isn&rsquo;t true,&rdquo; ey mumbled to emself while packing up eir notes. &ldquo;Security&rsquo;s one thing, but it&rsquo;s not like everyone&rsquo;s inaccessible. Keeping everyone safe doesn&rsquo;t mean cutting off contact for yourself, Ioan. &ldquo;</p>
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<p>But here ey was, feeling like all of the stress of the last day, of the last few weeks had filled em up to overflowing. Presented with the sudden silence and stillness of the field, ey realized just how much ey&rsquo;d been running on desperation and borrowed time.</p>
<p>With the slightest break in the pressure, that loan was called due.</p>
<p>Realizing that ey couldn&rsquo;t see the subtle rises in the land for the tears in eir eyes, ey simply sat down in the grass and cried. <em>If I am overflowing,</em> some remote part of em thought. <em>Then I can certainly see the appeal to it. Catharsis indeed.</em></p>
<p>Though there was certainly nothing ey could have done to stop it, ey owned it, simply letting it take its course, hollering curses into the cone of silence ey had the presence of mind to set up, clutching at the grass to keep emself at least somewhat grounded. Ey&rsquo;d watched a good friend (for that&rsquo;s what True Name was, wasn&rsquo;t she?) nearly get assassinated in front of em, had dealt with eir partner&rsquo;s lingering resentment towards her down-tree instance come into conflict with her constant presence, had watched May push True Name to near catatonia after encouraging her to accept a century and a half&rsquo;s worth of memories from End Waking. Ey had watched both overflow in the span of a few hours.</p>
<p>And when ey stopped cycling over the last two weeks, ey simply cried for the sheer relief it provided.</p>
<p>Though there was certainly nothing ey could have done to stop it, ey decided to just own it and let it take its course, hollering curses into the cone of silence ey had the presence of mind to set up, clutching at the grass to keep emself at least anchored to the ground. Ey&rsquo;d watched a good friend (for that&rsquo;s what True Name was, wasn&rsquo;t she?) nearly get assassinated in front of em, had dealt with eir partner&rsquo;s lingering resentment towards her down-tree instance come into conflict with her constant presence, had watched May push True Name to near catatonia after encouraging her to accept a century and a half&rsquo;s worth of memories from End Waking. Ey had watched both overflow in the span of a few hours.</p>
<p>And when ey stopped cycling over the last two weeks, ey simply wept for the sheer relief it provided.</p>
<p>When ey&rsquo;d cried emself out and cleaned emself up, ey levered emself up off the ground and trudged back toward the house. The least ey could do was say hi and get another cup of coffee.</p>
<p>Douglas Hadje was sitting on the stoop of his house, waiting for em.</p>
<p>&ldquo;Hey, Douglas. Sorry about that.&rdquo;</p>
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<p>&ldquo;She&rsquo;s&hellip;well, she&rsquo;ll get by. I just hope it doesn&rsquo;t last too long. Thanks for letting me stay. Please tell me you put coffee on.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Page generated on 2022-05-17</p>
<p>Page generated on 2022-07-21</p>
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@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
<li class="done3"> Apprehension &mdash; EW merges down and TN has to deal; Ioan and May have to consider ramifications<ul>
<li class="done3"> CHAPTER Ioan 2350<ul>
<li class="done3"> <a href="018.html">Retreat: perspective</a> &mdash; TN recovering, trying to reconcile her calling vs penance</li>
<li class="done3"> <a href="019.html">Retreat: memories</a> &mdash; After talking with TN about her memories from EW about Debarre, Ioan starts to feel icky about TN having May&rsquo;s memory of their relationship</li>
<li class="done3"> <a href="020.html">TN Choose Fear</a> &mdash; TN says she can&rsquo;t deal, pulls back from both May and Ioan, stays at Arrowhead lake with new camping knowledge (We learn about TN&rsquo;s relationship)</li>
<li class="done3"> <a href="021.html">May Choose Fear</a> &mdash; May overflows (just a few days), claims the home</li>
<li class="done4"> CHAPTER Ioan 2350<ul>
<li class="done4"> <a href="018.html">Retreat: perspective</a> &mdash; TN recovering, trying to reconcile her calling vs penance</li>
<li class="done4"> <a href="019.html">Retreat: memories</a> &mdash; After talking with TN about her memories from EW about Debarre, Ioan starts to feel icky about TN having May&rsquo;s memory of their relationship</li>
<li class="done4"> <a href="020.html">TN Choose Fear</a> &mdash; TN says she can&rsquo;t deal, pulls back from both May and Ioan, stays at Arrowhead lake with new camping knowledge (We learn about TN&rsquo;s relationship)</li>
<li class="done4"> <a href="021.html">May Choose Fear</a> &mdash; May overflows (just a few days), claims the home</li>
<li class="done3"> CHAPTER Debarre 2350<ul>