diff --git a/writing/post-self/neviim/index.html b/writing/post-self/neviim/index.html index 374ec0b84..2fdf48815 100644 --- a/writing/post-self/neviim/index.html +++ b/writing/post-self/neviim/index.html @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ how say
  • Codrin Bălan#Artemis — TN gets news re: AWNH (a fork enters the space, quits, merges - Artemisians like huh???), calls halt to meeting, preempts everyone getting news separately by announcing what happened, Codrin and Sarah confirm they’ve heard, tries to gloss over the swap quickly (b/c of course she’s planned), but Turun Ka speaks up, says that this is part of confirmation required. For what? Tune in next time… - 1884
  • Ioan Bălan — Ioan meets up with True Name at a neutral place to talk about the cracks showing, death of Death Itself and I Do Not Know; growing empathy for True Name - 2326
  • Codrin Bălan#Emissary — Codrin, Sarah, Turun Ko, Artante meet up (while TN talks with Turun Ka, Iska, and Tycho chills with Stolon) and discuss actual point of meetings: to determine whether humanity is a suitable fifthrace. None of the Artemisians know/will say what the gating factors are, but think they’re close - don’t tell TN (are they supposed to know? Shrug, but implied if they tell TN, that’s a point against them) - 2046
  • -
  • Tycho Brahe#Emissary — While all the above is happening, Tycho steals some time with Stolon to try and talk science, but they both wind up talking about being in over one’s head and the futility of politics vs stability of science
  • +
  • Tycho Brahe#Emissary — While all the above is happening, Tycho steals some time with Stolon to try and talk science, but they both wind up talking about being in over one’s head and the futility of politics vs stability of science
  • Codrin Bălan#Artemis — Codrin gives Turun Ko a copy of On the Origin of Our World (against TN’s suggestion, but she is in damage-control mode), which, after it reads it, turns out to be the penultimate step towards moving forward with accepting as fifthrace. Yay Codrin
  • Tycho Brahe#Artemis — Steals time with Stolon on break, joined by Iska and Sarah, talk about joining Artemis, what races have learned from each other re: science.
  • Ioan Bălan — Sarah Genet gets in touch. May is feeling rough, so she mostly talks with Ioan, who talks with May after, feeling better.
  • @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ how say

    “I’ll see them soon enough, I guess. A few weeks, tops, though at this rate, I’m guessing only a matter of days.”