update from sparkleup

This commit is contained in:
Madison Scott-Clary 2022-09-06 22:25:14 -07:00
parent 7ff113697a
commit c903c81b2e
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<p>As ey walked, ey considered what it meant to overflow. Was it just an Odist thing? Certainly some aspects of it were. The way that Codrin described Dear&rsquo;s manic forking, each instance left with simply a shard of its personality, felt very Dear. May, End Waking, and True Name&rsquo;s overflowing all sounded uniquely them, as well, and A Finger Pointing mentioned that hers was different still, though had declined to expand on it.</p>
<p>But here ey was, feeling like all of the stress of the last day, of the last few weeks had filled em up to overflowing. Presented with the sudden silence and stillness of the field, ey realized just how much ey&rsquo;d been running on desperation and borrowed time.</p>
<p>With the slightest break in the pressure, that loan was called due.</p>
<p>Realizing that ey couldn&rsquo;t see the subtle rises in the land for the tears in eir eyes, ey simply sat down in the grass and cried. <em>If I am overflowing,</em> some remote part of em thought. <em>Then I can certainly see the appeal to it. Catharsis indeed.</em></p>
<p>Realizing that ey couldn&rsquo;t see the subtle rises in the land for the tears in eir eyes, ey simply sat down in the grass and cried. <em>If I am overflowing,</em> some remote part of em thought, <em>then I can certainly see the appeal to it. Catharsis indeed.</em></p>
<p>Though there was certainly nothing ey could have done to stop it, ey decided to just own it and let it take its course, hollering curses into the cone of silence ey had the presence of mind to set up, clutching at the grass to keep emself at least anchored to the ground. Ey&rsquo;d watched a good friend (for that&rsquo;s what True Name was, wasn&rsquo;t she?) nearly get assassinated in front of em, had dealt with eir partner&rsquo;s lingering resentment towards her down-tree instance come into conflict with her constant presence, had watched May push True Name to near catatonia after encouraging her to accept a century and a half&rsquo;s worth of memories from End Waking. Ey had watched both overflow in the span of a few hours.</p>
<p>And when ey stopped cycling over the last two weeks, ey simply wept for the sheer relief it provided.</p>
<p>When ey&rsquo;d cried emself out and cleaned emself up, ey levered emself up off the ground and trudged back toward the house. The least ey could do was say hi and get another cup of coffee.</p>

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
<p>&ldquo;Yes, and while there is a part of me that remains disappointed about this outcome, there is little to be done about it but move forward.&rdquo; Sasha brought her tail around to her lap to brush it out. It was shorter than a striped skunk&rsquo;s tail, it seemed, but no less thickly furred. &ldquo;I will take a vacation, first. I will sleep a normal amount. I will eat good food. I will wear myself out on the hunt and take what comfort I can while I remain here. I will rest, and then I will write.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;Write? Really?&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;Yes. I will be careful not to influence, lest I bring on Jonas&rsquo;s ire, but I would like to share the story of the last few centuries from my point of view. I do not know who will be interested except perhaps our two clades, but I will write.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;Well, if it&rsquo;s anything like the <em>History</em>,&rdquo; Ioan said. &ldquo;It&rsquo;ll wind up wildly popular and then fade into part of the mythos of the System.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;Well, if it&rsquo;s anything like the <em>History</em>,&rdquo; Ioan said, &ldquo;it&rsquo;ll wind up wildly popular and then fade into part of the mythos of the System.&rdquo;</p>
<p>May grinned. &ldquo;And all will be as it should.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;Of course. I will not complain. So long as I am better able to understand who I have become and fill my time with something fulfilling, then I will be happy.&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;<em>Will</em> you be happy?&rdquo; Serene asked.</p>