update from sparkleup

This commit is contained in:
Madison Scott-Clary 2020-04-23 15:10:07 -07:00
parent ece6147c58
commit de78317cc5
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<p>Include Felder and Harlequin</p>
<p>Middling whitehat, Nicky, seems to have hit a wall as far as how interesting the jobs he gets are, starts dabbling in less-savory jobs</p>
<p>Middling white hat, Nicky, seems to have hit a wall as far as how interesting the jobs he gets are, starts dabbling in less-savory jobs</p>
<li>Shown up by better hacker, Wolfe.</li>
<li>Offer to do job together and help teach</li>
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
<p>It was way more than one needed for a simple security job. Most of his time was spent at a keyboard --- real or virtual --- at a command line, typing, rather than delved in.</p>
<p>Not that the getup was all that uncommon, even among his coworkers. His was even a few notches down the fanciness scale, since he was less into gaming than so many of his coworkers. He didn't need top of the line gizmos or the absolute latest in integration devices.</p>
<p>He just needed it to be fast.</p>
<p><em>Dawlding,</em> Nicky chided himself. He shook his head in an attempt to clear the mood and set his hands down on the cradles, feeling the contacts on his fingers click against the matching set on the handrests, then set his head back against the headrest of his chair.</p>
<p><em>Dawdling,</em> Nicky chided himself. He shook his head in an attempt to clear the mood and set his hands down on the cradles, feeling the contacts on his fingers click against the matching set on the handrests, then set his head back against the headrest of his chair.</p>
<hr />
<p>Nicky blinked away the afterimages of his exocosmic room.</p>
<p>His own personal space this side of the rig was simple, spartan. The walls were white and the floor wood, but now, in the dark, the white of the walls had settled into a cool, comfortable gray, and the floor lost detail in dimness.</p>
<p>Throughout the room was suspended a constellation of his current work. Business-card sized slips of paper connected by thin strands of fillament that shone of their own accord. He prowled around the display, turning cards this way and that to peek at their titles and get a glimpse of their contents, before allowing them to snap back into place.</p>
<p>His own personal space this side of the rig was simple, spartan. The walls were white and the floor wood, but now, in the dark, the white of the walls had settled into a cool, comfortable gray, and the floor lost detail to dimness.</p>
<p>Throughout the room was suspended a constellation of his current work. Business-card sized slips of paper connected by thin strands of filament that shone of their own accord. He prowled around the display, turning cards this way and that to peek at their titles and get a glimpse of their contents, before allowing them to snap back into place.</p>
<p>Not finding what he was hunting for, Nicky dug through one of the decks set in the air next to the constellation, until he came up with a simple card with a string of forty letters and numbers embossed in its surface.</p>
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