update from sparkleup

This commit is contained in:
Madison Scott-Clary 2021-12-05 23:35:09 -08:00
parent 2d68a4db93
commit e72b7a4712
2 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ how say</dd>
<li class="done2"> <a href="remote/tycho/002.html">Tycho Brahe#Emissary</a> &mdash; Watches TN try to have a discussion with Turun Ka regarding history, and it is an exercise in mutual misunderstanding, starting to feel out of his league with #Emissary being about social aspects - 1725</li>
<li class="done2"> <a href="local/codrin/009.html">Codrin Bălan#Artemis</a> &mdash; After watching similar discussion of TN misunderstanding, meets up with Sarah Genet over break, discusses note from Codrin#Emissary (day 3 lunch) - 2251</li>
<li class="done2"> <a href="remote/codrin/004.html">Codrin Bălan#Emissary</a> &mdash; Talks about current status during break, suggests ideas to Tycho about what he could be paying attention to re: politics/society/history in terms of the stars, leads to question of whether there were others that they&rsquo;ve met along the way but didn&rsquo;t join them arising, but told not to ask yet - 1804</li>
<li class="done0"> <a href="local/tycho/010.html">Tycho Brahe#Artemis</a> &mdash; Compares utility differences between forking/time manipulation (mostly Tycho, but also TN/WAQ) (day 3 after lunch)</li>
<li class="done2"> <a href="local/tycho/010.html">Tycho Brahe#Artemis</a> &mdash; Compares utility differences between forking/time manipulation (mostly Tycho, but also TN/WAQ) (day 3 after lunch) - 1965</li>
<li class="done0"> <a href="remote/codrin/005.html">Codrin Bălan#Emissary</a> &mdash; Compares political differences between forking/time manipulation (Mostly TN, but Codrin/Sarah), AWNH is acting strange, sends note back to #Artemis hinting that it was Tycho that noticed</li>
<li class="done0"> <a href="local/tycho/011.html">Tycho Brahe#Artemis</a> &mdash; Tycho, getting bored, directs talk to origins and path they&rsquo;ve taken. Inexact answers, which has TN intrigued. She talks with the group after to discuss possibility that they might be being shady rather than just leaning on &ldquo;oh we manipulate time&rdquo; (day 3 after lunch/break)</li>
<li class="done0"> <a href="remote/tycho/003.html">Tycho Brahe#Emissary</a> &mdash; There&rsquo;s a conversation between TN and Turun Ka around how the various races manage sentiment. Tycho is surprised at it being frank, Sarah suggests that she might be working on many levels, Codrin starting to worry about their sanity</li>

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@ -64,7 +64,9 @@
<p>The skunk frowned. &ldquo;Why?&rdquo;</p>
<p>&ldquo;You were very intent on it,&rdquo; ey said. &ldquo;And I was wondering if it&rsquo;s something that might be relevant to the rest of us or if it was something destined for True Name#Emissary.&rdquo;</p>
<p>There was a silent pause where True Name looked first at Codrin, then at Why Ask Questions, then back again. &ldquo;I had intended to send it to #Emissary, but I take your meaning. In short, Jonas and I have thoughts on an appropriate level of discomfort and danger within a society in order to maintain stability. A system that restricts violence by mechanics such as these may &mdash; and that is a very big &lsquo;may&rsquo; &mdash; speak to one that falls below that acceptable threshold for us.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Compares utility differences between forking/time manipulation (mostly Tycho, but also TN/WAQ)</p>
<p>&ldquo;&rdquo;Pain, anxiety, the need for something greater, these are all essential for survival. Without them, the world would be an impossibly dangerous place&rdquo;, you mean.&rdquo; Codrin quoted.</p>
<p>She laughed. &ldquo;Indeed. You may thank Jonas for that one. That they may disagree with this could say a lot about them. If they have somehow moved past the need for pain and anxiety, we will have much to learn. If they object to it on moral grounds, we must be wary.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Tycho watched the exchange with mounting confusion before making note of yet another thing to ask Codrin about over break.</p>
<p>Page generated on 2021-12-05</p>