From e976ff1387d95911e7cfc12b2ae46bc32f8094ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Madison Scott-Clary
benitocereno — Yesterday at 6:04 PM
I’m sure someone theorizes that the frame sequence is a later addition but basically everything I’ve read says the frame is the oldest part and the poem was the addition
Future’s so bright… — Yesterday at 6:07 PM
Future’s so bright… — Yesterday at 6:07 PM
The poem, yeah. Its so out of place I expect to see it in a different font with slightly different formating from the rest of the document.
Jon M — Yesterday at 6:08 PM
I’m not familiar. My apologies, I listen to ska, not pop 😝
Yeah, you can’t get mad at a hurricane for wrecking your house