update from sparkleup

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Madison Scott-Clary 2024-01-11 15:21:13 -08:00
parent 29bb788596
commit f21880fb8a
1 changed files with 19 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -55,7 +55,25 @@
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<p>Yes, there were steps that she needed to take. There were ways that she needed to keep herself safe. There were ways that those who above all else she loved might come to harm and she need to keep them safe as well. She needed to ensure their safety even above her own.</p>
<p>((the past: relationships))</p>
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<p>To fall in love with a cocladist is to engage in a radical form of self-love. To fall in love with a cocladist is to find a way that perhaps you <em>are</em> your type. To fall in love with a cocladist is to accept that you are large; you contain multitudes. To fall in love with your cocladist is to recognize that your hyperfixations define, in part, your sense of self, and that if you expand beyond one, then perhaps you are more than just one self.</p>
<p>A Finger Pointing forked all nine of her up-tree instances in systime 3, back in the early days when it still cost to fork. She had plans, though, and she had a way around those costs. She forked once, leaving her and her new instance with half of her original reputation, less than it would cost to fork again, and then her new instance simply granted the reputation back to her, enough to fork once more. She had a way around those costs, for in those days, back before the reputation market had patched out that particular glitch, her up-tree instances did not need reputation beyond hers. She had plans. She had ideas for her particular joy. She would lean into theatre, build up a troupe made up of just herself, for surely there were ten roles that needed to be filled in running a theatre.</p>
<p>There was her, the executive director and administrator.</p>
<p>There was That It Might Give The World Orders, the director.</p>
<p>There was The World Is An Audience Before A Stage, the educator within and without.</p>
<p>There was Where It Watches The Slow Hours Progress, the script manager and librarian.</p>
<p>There was And We Are The Motes In The Stage-Lights, the set and prop designer.</p>
<p>There was Beholden To The Heat Of The Lamps, the sound and music director.</p>
<p>There was If I Walk Backward, Time Moves Forward, who explored interactivity in art.</p>
<p>There was If I Walk Forward, Time Rushes On, the dancer and choreographer. </p>
<p>There was If I Stand Still, The World Moves Around Me, the stage manager who dabbled in lights.</p>
<p>There was And The Only Constant Was Change, an actor with a penchant for death scenes and just plain strange bird.</p>
<p>And they all acted, and they all promoted, and they all taught and helped as techs and loved each other. They were all hedonists, to the last, because A Finger Pointing was a hedonist, one who wanted to enjoy life to the fullest and to be everybody&rsquo;s friend.</p>
<p>She spent time with them all, yes, but the benefit of diving deep into music is that Beholden began to seek out live shows and concerts, and so when A Finger Pointing spent time with her, they became events. They started to veer perilously close to dates.</p>
<p>At some point, though they disagreed on when — was it five years later? Ten? Each argued passionately for one, and then the other — they <em>became</em> dates.</p>
<p>There was sense of aromancy in A Finger Pointing that grew after she forked. <!-- Discuss --> She never could say where from; perhaps it was simply that she would rather have been friends with anyone rather than foster a particular friendship with one person. And yet there was something about Beholden. Something fulfilling, perhaps, or complementary, or a self-love that rose above others.</p>
<p>And so they fell in love, each in their own way. They fell in love and, for the most part, reveled. Yes, they had their spats. Yes, they had their flings besides, and the occasional relationship, all negotiated and cherished and bound up in compersion.
((the past: relationships))</p>
<p>((Waking World))</p>
<p>((the past: Motes))</p>
<p>((bitterness and compromises))</p>