Zk | System Consortium Org Chart

Basic structure

For historical reasons, the System Consortium remains loosely organized as a corporation with a president and board, though the actual ties to the way a corporation works soon devolved into it being essentially a group of per-federation organizations (e.g: the WF System Organization, The S-R Bloc System Organization, etc). Legacy terms were kept for bureaucracy reasons, then almost as a joke.


Essentially CentComm. Manages the highest level of organization within the consortium. For gameplay, this means they manage gameplay events and large-scale stuff. There are no relevant jobs


Manages finances post-scarcity resource allocation, working with the UN Resource Allocation Committee. Relevant jobs:


The meat and potatoes, they manage the technical aspects of Lagrange Station, Lagrange System, the Ansible network, and the DSN. Relevant jobs:


Services ahoy! But also many of the things that help the station run efficiently. Relevant jobs:

Consortium Hierarchy