date: 2019-08-19 weight: 29
Is it weird for me to be streaming writing like this?
I don't know. Does it feel weird to you?
I guess. I feel like maybe it's weird to be writing for an audience (even if it's only theoretical). What sort of information can be gleaned from watching someone write in a word-processor? Method? Insight?
I don't know about that.
That's more like it, I suppose. It's a way to prove to others that I actually sit down and write these things. That there's someone there.
That there's someone behind a memoir? How novel.
Well, yes. But that they take time, that they take energy. That it's a process and not a product.
Is there some sense of validity that is lacking from simply publishing? Posting?
I don't know.
You set up analytics on this site. And on your writing site.
I set up analytics on a lot of sites.
But these in particular. Do you need to see that others see you?
I suppose I do. It's important to be recognized.
Are you also doing this to get me to leave you alone about heavier topics?