writing fiction furry short-story sawtooth
Name notes * Cerridwen welsh goddess of music * Cecilia patron saint of music * Thamyris greek god of musical conceit * Linus musical son of apollo
- Dr. T. Linus Carraway Jr - Conductor, professor of woodwinds, and oboist. Also full of himself for being young genius or whatever
Carrie Brys - Linus' long-distance girlfriend, lives in Illinois, computer science grad student
Linus concert and intro
- Class and followups
- Linus mugged, stabbed, grabs knife blade in defense and severs tendons
- Sad sad sad, mopes at home, tries ODing on meds
- Carrie visits as soon as she can make it to try and get him going again
- Struggle struggle, living up in one's own head
- Carrie surprises by turning last concert of season into benefit concert. Sob sob happy except low chance of getting back to where he was
[11:41 PM] tlcarraway> The high that comes after a performance is surely greater than any drug. I don't have much experience with drugs, other than an abortive attempt at marijuana back in undergrad.
[11:42 PM] tlcarraway> They should bottle this feeling.
[11:42 PM] CarrieB> Good performance, then?
[11:42 PM] tlcarraway> Great!!!
[11:42 PM] CarrieB> I can tell. You always start making these grand statements after the good ones.
[11:43 PM] tlcarraway> I do?
[11:43 PM] tlcarraway> I guess I do.
[11:44 PM] CarrieB> Last good performance you had, you started talking about Orpheus.
[11:44 PM] tlcarraway> Oy, was I drunk?
[11:44 PM] CarrieB> Are you now?
[11:45 PM] tlcarraway> Hah, good point.
[11:45 PM] tlcarraway> How's my kitty?
[11:45 PM] CarrieB> Good, though maybe not as good as you. Been waiting for you to get back.
[11:45 PM] tlcarraway> Waiting?
[11:46 PM] CarrieB> Of course! Your concerts really are great, but when they're done, that means I get you back again.
[11:46 PM] tlcarraway> <3
[11:46 PM] tlcarraway> Only one more this season, kitty.
[11:46 PM] CarrieB> <3
[11:47 PM] CarrieB> Still want me to come out and watch?
[11:47 PM] tlcarraway> I'd love that <3
[11:47 PM] CarrieB> Good!
[11:47 PM] CarrieB> It's super late, though, but I wanted to stay up and catch you before sleep. I'm crashingg
[11:49 PM] tlcarraway> Yeah, go get some sleep. I need to get cleaned up, anyway.
[11:49 PM] CarrieB> Kk sleep well when you get there love you
Out of habit, Linus twitched his wrist to get his watch into view, despite the clock on his laptop. It was late.
[11:50 PM] tlcarraway> Love you too. Make sure you actually sleep in bed instead of the comp chair this time <3
No reply. Good. If Carrie got to the point of barely intelligible keyboard mashing, she'd sleep basically wherever she was. Linus just had to hope she actually made it.