Apocrypals got me a-thinkin’. Would be nice to take a look at Western religion and spirituality particularly as it pertains to queer lives.
- One topic per episode
- Text - history - interpretation - effects - responses
- Try to be respectful, even if it means being stern or expressing pain
- Humor is okay
- Interviews
Textual episodes
- Intro
- The text
- Describe basis (tradition, etc)
- Read or summarize
- The history of the text
- Textual origins
- Authorship
- Social context
- Questions of translation
- Interpretations of the text
- Interpretations in a queer context - what does it mean in queer lives?
- Common interpretations in western society
- Effects of the text on queer lives
- How has it been used against or in support of queer lives?
- How have queer lives been affected by it in general?
- How have queer lives been affected by it on personal level?
- Responses to the text
- What are some common responses to the text (rebuttals, etc)?
- Changes for the positive if possible
- Conclusion
Interview episodes
- Intro
- Introduce interviewee
- Their history with religion/spirituality
- Questions
- Has your spirituality changed as you grow within your queer identity?
- How has western religion affected your life as a queer person?
- Positive effects: how has it benefited you?
- Negaitve effects: have you had to work against aspects of it?
- Have you had any specific/notable interactions with religion/religious people?
- Is there a particular text/snippet that has stuck with you/been used in your favor/against you?
- Conclusion
- Episode 0 - Crooked Cross - Wherein Maddy discusses who she is, what her background is, why she’s doing this, the intended audience, what sources she will be using, and what she hopes to get out of it.