Zk | 2013-12-04-holiday-donations

type: post date: 2013-12-04 slug: holiday-donations title: Holiday Donations

Hi! Thanks for reading this. After the success of last year’s combined drive on Twitter, and in memory of my pup Millie, I will be donating $1 to the Humane Society of the United States for every retweet of this status update on twitter.

Additionally, I will be donating $1 to the Humane Society of Boulder Valley for ever retweet of this status update on twitter.

I will donate no less than $500 to each charity, and no more than $2000 total (I still have to support the house!), but if the numbers differ, I will use the larger number for both (again, up to $2000); this isn’t a popularity contest, just a fun way to help with giving for the holidays!


I’ve got a lot of stuff. We have a lot of stuff. It’s just part of the accumulated past of more than two families. The last thing we really need is more things. In that vein, and after the experience of donating to the ASPCA last year, I’ve decided to repeat the experiment.

Additionally, due to cancer and internal bleeding, my dog Millie was put down earlier this year. Millie was adopted from the Humane Society of Boulder after her previous owner had tried to make a fighting dog of her. Fed up with her inability to be anything but a sweetheart, he kicked her and broke her back leg, which then healed improperly. Even so, she was a trooper, and followed my mom on hikes for years. This is one small thing I can do in her honor.

The Charities

The Humane Society of the United States is highly rated on Charity Navigator in finances as well as accountability and transparency.


The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is the nation’s largest and most effective animal protection organization. Established in 1954, The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals - a world that will also benefit people. We work to reduce suffering and to create meaningful social change for animals by advocating for sensible public policies, investigating cruelty and working to enforce existing laws, educating the public about animal issues, joining with corporations on behalf of animal-friendly policies, and conducting hands-on programs that make ours a more humane world. We are the lead disaster relief agency for animals, and we provide direct care for thousands of animals at our sanctuaries and rescue facilities, wildlife rehabilitation centers, and mobile veterinary clinics.

It was brought to my attention that it is not clear that HSUS is not affiliated with local Humane Societies, though they do operate shelters in five states and work with various local shelters throughout the US. This isn’t a statement about either HSUS or local shelters, as both do fantastic work! In order to more properly address this concern, I will also be donating to The Humane Society of Boulder Valley, the shelter that took in Millie, as well as one of our current pups, Falcon!


It is the mission of the Humane Society of Boulder Valley to protect and enhance the lives of companion animals by promoting healthy relationships between pets and people. We were founded more than a century ago in 1902, yet this mission holds true today as we counter animal neglect and cruelty and partner with other animal welfare organizations, sharing our mutual mission of saving more animals’ lives.