Zk | Annotation: Bayles & Orland - Art & Fear

Boy, I wish I liked this more than I did.

I read Art & Fear back in university on a whim, just kind of breezing through it, and it had an enormous impact on me. I credit a lot of my current process and the acceptance of not not producing much of anything after finishing a project to the book. I decided to come back to it a) in the context of writing instead of music and b) in a more analytical fashion than just kind of plowing through it over a weekend, and it didn’t have nearly the same kick to it that I remember.

That’s not to say that the information in it is bad or in any way not useful! There’s a few good sections on perfection (I notably underlined the phrase “mistaking perfection for precision”), dry spells vs. annihilation of the self, and talent vs. skill. I was net positive on the content, overall.

I think I just struggled with the structure and tone of the book. I don’t mind a tone that is casual and conversational, but in a lot of places, this felt like a loose collection of thoughts; some of them glossed over too quickly, and some pounded into the dirt.

I bring this up because I think it really got in the way of me taking as much away from the book as I expected I would, given how neat I thought it would be as an exercise.

To the point, though, here are the things that were particularly applicable as I read through this time:

I’ve recommended this book to several of my friends and will doubtless recommend it to more. It’s simple, easy to digest, and contains a lot of good advice on what actually goes into making art. My opinion of it has cooled somewhat, and I don’t think I’d recommend it to be read in a serious fashion such as for annotations, but for folks kvetching in the writers’ guild chat, I’ll still toss it out there.