date: 2019-08-29 weight: 6
So if the goal of this project is to write about the ways in which creativity interacts with various facets of your life, what are your goals when it comes to creativity itself?
I'll have to think on that one.
I'd say I'll be patient, but you know I won't be.
I think the goals for my creativity are to find a happy medium of entertaining and applicable for others to consume as well as enjoyable for me to create.
I guess. I could list specifics, but I don't think that's quite what you're asking after.
No, vague is good. It's good to have something you'll always fall short on, because that'll always give you reason to strive for improvement.
That "if you hate who you were in the past, it's a good sign that you've improved as a person" sort of thing?
In a way. If you hate your old work, it's a good sign you've improved as a writer, musician, developer, whatever.
That makes sense.
Though I do have concrete goals. I'd like to write a book. I'd like to finish some outstanding music I've still got hanging around. I'd like to maybe work toward getting a job in something other than tech.
So what you're saying is that you'd like to be happy?
I suppose so.
Good luck, kid.