Zk | The Elevation of Unknown Things

Something like “Seasons” except about growth through the death of the self and how Job fails in that.

  1. Framing devices
  2. Interpolations NB: switched below
  3. Friends and “Friends”
  4. Unknown things (theodicy)
  5. Should all things be known (what if the pals really did solve theodicy)

Rewrite for side-by-side:

  1. Framing devices
    1. Personal
    2. Academic
  2. Interpolations
  3. Friends and “Friends”
  4. Unknown things (theodicy)
  5. Should all things be known (what if the pals really did solve theodicy)

Timeboxed third attempt for academic in footnotes:

Pals quotes:

Chesterton quote:

Job puts forward a note of interrogation; God answers with a note of exclamation. Instead of proving to Job that it is an explicable world, He insists that it is a much stranger world than Job ever thought it was.

G. K. Chesterton https://www.chesterton.org/introduction-to-job/

On forgiving one’s Elihu:
