Zk | Toledot

novel fiction writing post-self sci-fi metafurry

The secession of the system and launch of the extra-solar system.



Nearing the 200th anniversary of System secession from humanity, the System and it’s station-side engineers prepare for a launch of two deep-space probes containing smaller versions of the System. Recognizing an inflection point for what it is, historian and author Ioan Balan begins a project to catalogue the two events, Secession and Launch, with the help of a few members of the Ode Clade, a group of individuals forked from a single ancestor, each of which focuses on a different specialization. While ey writes, collates, and edits on the original System with the help of May Then My Name Die With Me of the Ode Clade, eir own fork, Codrin Balan, heads up the research side of things on the two launches with Dear, Also, The Tree that Was Felled of the Ode Clade. Throughout the course of the investigation, it becomes clear how much the Ode Clade has influenced politics both sys-side and phys-side since the very beginning all the way up to Launch. Ioan and May Then My Name’s task becomes one of cataloging this influence and the ways that it has shaped how the System and Earth have progressed through history, surprising even May and Dear.




Cover Ideas

Would be nice to keep the isometric view from Qoheleth, plus the title as the foundation of the landscape. As before, probably want one from each time period.

Older stuff

Chapter ideas

By timeline/location