novel writing furry
Gonzo journalism piece about furry, maybe about FC?
- Mix in my history with furry
- Self-satire: me being head-over-heels for the fandom
- Social critique: furry and writing don’t get along as well as they say they do; race to the top popularity wise (buying art, being artist/fursuit maker, having suit, etc); lauded as this bastion of sexual/kink liberation but dogged by purity culture; touted as get-rich-quick for artists, but way more complicated than that
- anagnorisis is me realizing maybe I need to stop writing furry for a bit
- Fiction is often the best fact: fictional friend met on the Uber to the hotel
Brief outline
(The con bits will perforce have to wait until FC)
- Con (chronological order):
- Meeting Aya in the cab on the way to the con
- History (reorder as necessary):
- Finding furry
- The requisite artist phase
- Sanefurs and falling out of love with furry
- Sexuality and gender
- Falling back in love with furry
- [a][s]
- Furry in professional life
- Species changes at trauma points
- Cons
- Relationships good and bad
- …